I Need Your Help

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Denki's POV

As Shinsou is walking over to his seat Aizawa said we had till the bell to chat with each other. I'll just apoligize now and get it out of the way. "Hey, Shinsou, look I'm really sorry for annoying you last night. I know that's most likely the last thing people want on a sleepless night. So I just thought I would apolagize." I look over at him slightly smileing, but in a nerves way I didn't want to make him mad again. He just looked confused then laughed slightly. It was kinda cute. Wait no. Nevermind.

"Again, I should be the one to say sorry to you. I shouldn't have used my quirk on you, after all I didn't have a real reason to. I feel really bad, after all you must have been really mad. I don't want to start off that way in a new class." He looked ashamed of his actions. Now it was my turn to look stuned. He gave a little giggle to my response, looked really confused, then turned his atention to the frount. I just continued my conversation which the whole Bakusquade had now joined. Right before the bell rang Yaoyorozu told us about a plan to welcome in Shinsou.

Shinsou's POV

After I apoligized to Kaminari, he just looked dumb founded. It was a little cute to be honest. Wait I find this guy cute? Weird. Class will start in a second. I'm just gonna wait for that. Wait did I laugh durring our interaction? Shit, whole imaged ruined before class even starts.

Denki's POV

Class started. I wasn't really paying atention. I was still really tiered, and to bord to focase. I look around to find everyones either not paying atention like me, or asleep. Wow nice to know I'm not alone at least. It looks like Shinsou is the only one paying attention. I really don't want to fail this class, so I'll ask him to reveiw notes with me after class. The lunch bell went off. I asked everyone else if they knew what Aizawa had been talking about. Turns out Aizawa's lesson was really boring, as no one cared enough to listen.

If nothing else I'll deffinetly have to go to Shinsou for the first half of the notes. As we sat down to eat I bring it up. "So, sense Shinsou was like the only one paying atention in class I'll have to go him for the notes." Mina gives me a smirk as I take another bite of food. "What?" I ask, a mouthful of rice.

"Oh nothing. Just the fact that you were paying attention to shinsou in class. Is that why you couldn't foucas?" She says this all slightly laughing. Making fun of my bisexuality again, eh? I roll my eyes, then come up with a great come back.

 "Maybe he was distracting you. After all you were looking his way alot." I fold my arms and say with a sly smile.

She turns red which is hard to do because het skin is already pink. She whispers to me, making sure no one else can hear her, "I was staring at Sero not Shinsou dumbass!" My eyes go wide, as I slap my hands over my mouth. SERO!!! Oh this'll be good.

"I'm so sorry Mina, I won't tell I sware. But you should go for it." I wink at her. Then look at Sero who just semes confused. You will know soon bro, I sware it.


Shinsou's POV

Back to class it is. I sware no one in that class pays atenttion. Then again they don't have to work as hard as I do to be a good hero.

~Time skip to after class~

No one payed atention to the rest fo the class either. As im grabbing my stuff and packing up, Kaminari comes up to me, so much for never speaking to him again. "Shinsou, can we go over the notes you took today together?" Of all the people who didn't pay attention, he wants help?

"Give me 1 good reason to help you." I say knowing he can't. 

He smiles brightly, and with a sly voice says, "'Cause I know, underneith all that angest, your a really nice guy. Please, I really need to pass this class." He is really desprit. No wonder he was the only one to aproch me. He is also really attentive to notice I payed full attention.

"Ok I'll help you, but we do it my way, and this doesn't make us friends." I say that last part just to remind him. "You have 30 minets to get to dorm 51." After telling him my dorm number, I leave. 

About half way down the hall I relize how bad 'we do it my way,' must have sounded to him. God danm it.

Denki's POV

I'm left bewildered by Shinsou's response. WAIT, WHAT DID 'my way' MEAN?!?! Is he gay? "Waht was that all about?" I turn and see Mina smileing suspisesly. She must have heard it all damn it. I'm not gonna be able to live this down.

"Well, we'er j-just gonna go over notes form class today." Shit, why did I studder.

Mina glares at me. I can just about see the shipping coks turning in her head. "Alright don't tell me, but by the way, your really red." With that and a wink she went over to Sero, and the others. Thanks for that Mina.

 I leave class, drop my stuff off in my room, change into comfy clothes, and head off to Shinsou's room.

Shinsou's POV

When I get to my room I change in to gray sweat pants, and a black, tank top. Then I set my note cards on my desk. Then wait for him.

When I said 'my way' I ment no folling around, just work. I put in my head phones. A few minets later I hear a knock on my door. That was rather quick.

I open it and of cores see Kaminari. He's giving me a big bright smile like normal. Then he looks at me and turns his hesd to the floor. He must have been  flustered by my phisical shape. I have buffed up sense the sports festival.

I let him in, and he gose strait for my head phones. His eyes light up as he says, "I love imagain dragons dude! This is one of their best songs!" I put in the other head phone and realize he's litening to Zero.

"Yeah this is good song." I say slighlt swaying to the beat. He sings what's left of the song. We get barely enough work to cover what happened today 'cause we just talk about ranom stuff we have incommen. Which is alot more then either of us would have geussed.

"Thanks for your help man I need as much as I can get." I'm about to respond when I suddenly hear thunder, thunder means rain.


Word count~1140

The story line is progressing AAAAAAHHHHHHH

 Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

And Kaminari really had his mind in the gutter when Shinsou said 'we do it my way' lol

Have a nice day/night

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