You've Got To Be Joking

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Denki's POV

"Uhhhhhhgggggggg! I don't want to go to school." I groan as Mina is trying to wake me up.

"Come ON Kami, it's already 7:50am you need to get ready. You take very long showers." She giggled with that last part. I sat up and tryed looking offended.

"I DO NOT!" I shout at her, foldding my arms and looking away.

"Yes you do." She laughed. "Now get up you want to make a good impression on the new guy right?" She was teasing me again I roll my eyes, and stand up.

"We don't like each other, like at all." I say grabing my towle. Mina looks slightly shoked at this as I'm friends with nearly every one even difficult pepole, but he too kit to far.

"Kami how can you say that? You haven't even met the guy." I sigh knowing I'll have to explain what happened to Mama Mina.

"Actuly we have met. We ran into eachother at the park last night litraly ran into eachother. He was being all rude as I tryed to make small talk. He just walked away, and when I tryed to confrount him about it he just used his quirk on me and made me leave." I was about to leave to take my 'really long' shower when Mina stopped me.

"Listen boy, he was probaby really tiered 'cause  you know it was most likely late. He probably didn't want to have a conversation and got annoyed with you not getting the hint so he had you leave. You take things to personal sometimes Kami. Try again today when your both more awake and more pacient." She in a 'well du' tone. She was right, I'll just try anew. I promised her I would over look last night and start on a different foot. Then took a shower, got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth, then headed off to school.

Shinsou's POV

"TIME TO WAKE UP AND GET READY FAMIILLLYY! SCHOOL IS IN OOONNE HOUR!" My Dad shouted. I walk down satirs to see my Dad and Papa standing there. My Papa handed me a panflit and gestered for me to open it. It was dorm rules.

"No more late night walks Hitoshi sorry." He said bluntly.

"Alright good to know, thanks Papa." He nodds then they start heading to the door to leave. When they leave I head back upstairs. I take a quick shower, brush my teeth, get dressed, Then head down stairs to eat. As I'm just eatting my eggs I think of the blond...Kaminari. I kind of felt bad for using my quirk on him with out good reason. I was just really tired. Then I thought about what Dad said about Papa. Papa did always was Dad was a loud annoying blond. But this blond was to annoying for me to handdle. I'll just aplogize for last night and never talk to him again, I think he'll be able to live with that. After all I don't want any friends.

Aizawa's POV

After what Hizashi told me this morning about Hitoshi and Kaminari I decided instead of Jirou sitting next to Kaminari she would sit infrount of Yaoyorozu. I know they like eachother so they won't mind. And my son will sit to Kaminari's left. There. It feels nice having my sone live a version of my high school time.

Denki's POV 

I walk in to class and see Aizawa on the floor in his sleeping bag, Jirou infrount of Yaoyorozu. Good on her for getting her girl. My feelings for her are gone now. I mean once I found out she was gay that was the end of them. I sit down and start up a conversation with Sero and Kiri till  Aizawa got up. He took off his sleeping bag and in walked Shinsou. He sure is cutting it close.

"Class this is Shinsou Hitoshi. His quirk is brain washing." Aizawa said with a tiered voice like always.

I heard mermers like, "Wasn't he in the sports vestival?" and, "His quirk is so cool right?" Things like that.

"You'll be sitting next to Kaminari Danki." He pointed to the still empty seat next to me. Thats when I realized Jirou was still infrount of Yaoyouozu. Well alright this will make it easier to apogize for being annoying last night.

Shinsou's POV

Well I was hoping that I wouldn't have to sit next to him but at least I dont need to wait till lunch to say sorry for using my quirk. But still it's not ideal. I walk over to sit down and Papa says we have till the bell to talk. I was about to apoligize to Kaminari when he beat me to it. He's apolagizing? You've got to be joking.

Word count~798

Hope you enjoyed this chapter😊

I love writing this it's super adorable to me

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