Trouble will always find you

Start from the beginning

On a closer inspection, it seems the man is wearing armor. A hero most likely. From the smell of copper in the air, the man was bleeding badly.

What makes him pause is the man's apparent opponent. The calmness of his heart greatly betrays the intimidating aura he emits as he towers over the fallen figure. There's a sharp weapon in his hand. A sword, Izuku concludes. His scarf sways with the wind as he speaks. Voice low and threatening.

"You're nothing but a fake Ingenium. Unworthy of calling yourself a hero." The villain says.

Shadow is instantly reminded of a news report he'd heard a couple of days ago.

The hero killer. Stain.

Quirk: Unknown. Weakness: Unknown.

When you go looking for trouble. It ends up finding you.

Getting out his phone, he dials the number he's been avoiding. He waits 30 seconds and then hangs up. Naomosa should know who exactly is calling.

The detective left him this number personally. Telling him to call if he ever found himself in a particularly bad situation. He's never used it before tonight, not wanting anyone to trace his location. Always electing to do things alone.

However, this hero's life rested in the balance. He'd rather call for backup. Stain had already taken down many pro heroes. A teenage vigilante wasn't exactly a threat to the man.

His strengths alone wasn't going to cut it this time. Besides, Shinsou did tell him to be careful.

"I'll cleanse this society from the likes of you. Even if I'll have to kill you with my own hands." Stain continues, hands rising with every word. Sword gleaming in the sky as he prepares himself to strike. As he readies himself to plunge the weapon down onto the hero's unprotected back.

Shadow doesn't give him the chance though.

The element of surprise is in his favor. So he goes for it. No clear plan in mind.

Only one thought plagues his mind as he moves.

No one was going to die tonight.

He climbs the fire escape. Feet running soundlessly until he's right above the two figures. Finding the opening he needs, he jumps.

It happens so fast, the hero killer doesn't get to react in time. Shadow's feet hit the man's back with a hard thud. Sending the villain tumbling onto the ground. Sword discarded a couple of meters ahead of him.

Taking the momentary distraction in his favor. He gets hold of the hero's fallen body and drags him until he's a good distance away from his attacker. He has a deep gash cutting through side. Otherwise, he's not fatally injured. Izuku does take the time to press some gauze onto the wound anyway. Better safe than sorry.

"It's okay. I called the cops. They should be on their way." He whispers, not really knowing if the man hears him.

Grimly, he realizes that he won't be able to take him and run. With the man's added weight, he'd be too slow. Stain would catch up in an instant.

Therefore, there was only one option left.


Fight long enough for backup to arrive. Stall for time and hope that it's enough.

The hero killer falls with grace. It speaks of experience and practice. Instantly, the man regains his balance and turns to face his new opponent.

If he's surprised to see him. He masks it well.

Before my heart gives out (My hero academia)Where stories live. Discover now