back on track // 29

Start from the beginning

"Nope" He pronounced, pulling her over to the tyre barriers so they could climb on top. 

They looked up at the summer night sky as the sun began to set across the field, after both of them had hoped onto the tyre barriers. It had been a long day at this point and so much had happened in the space of 24 hours. They went from ignoring each other to being alone and watching the sunset together. 

Darcey turned to sneak a glance at Sebastian when she noticed he was already looking straight back at her, and in the golden light of the sun, they leaned closer. Edging across the tyres as they struggled to maintain their balance. They connected their lips in a sweet savouring kiss and as they moved apart rested their foreheads taking in every last second. 

"I was so lost, until tonight" Darcey expressed, refusing to look him in the eyes as she hated how she was feeling inside. She was feeling guilty for her mixed emotions, fighting against what she wanted and what she needed to do. 

"You never have to be lost again, not now that I've found you" Sebastian placed his fingertips under her chin as to lift her face up to meet his eyes. But once she sat there looking back at him, he could see the tears in her eyes. 

"Seb, I can't do this" She quickly removed herself from his touch, he watched on puzzled.

"What, why?" 

"I just can't, okay?" 

"What aren't you telling me?" He whispered, trying to not push her too far in case she breaks and he loses her again. But she didn't say a word. "You can't shut me out again" He tried again, this time with more force and determination. 

"I'm not trying to shut you out" Darcey whimpered, "I want this, I want us but my head is all over the place right now" Darcey exclaimed, tears streaming from her eyes as she began to move closer to Sebastian. Then as she moved she felt a vibration through her pockets, pulling out her phone with it a text. 

Nate Harrison 

Just had the email confirmation for the surgery next month, I'll forward it onto you now. Oh and tell Seb he did a good job today. You both did. xx

"It's him isn't it?" Sebastian spoke as if even mentioning him pained him enough, Seb got up to walk away but stopped as he realised she wasn't fighting back but stayed glued to her screen. Like her whole life had just frozen still. 

Sebastian walked back over to the place he had left her seconds ago, his anger had melted away and was now replaced with concern and confusion. "What's going on with you Darcey? If he's troubling you I can help. All you've got to do is talk to me" He whispered.

"I'm fine" Darcey refused to make eye contact, as she knew that was all it would take to break her. She couldn't get into anything serious right now, not when her friend needed her and not when he happened to be her ex-boyfriend. It was too much. 

" You know people say they're fine all the time, but that doesn't mean that they are." He expressed seeing through her disguise. "I just want to help why won't you let me in?"

"Why can't you just let it go?" Darcey said in a hushed tone.

"Because I love you," Sebastian confessed and although it wasn't how he planned on telling her, especially given the circumstances. He did indeed mean every word. 

"You don't mean that"

"Then why am I still here?" 

"It's getting late" Darcey muttered, trying her best to hide her emotions. "We better go before they call a search party after you" She tried to laugh but it just fell flat.

The journey just like the journey there was silent, but this time it wasn't humming you could hear in the background. It was sighing and empty words as each time one of them went to say something, the words got stuck along the way. 

Unable to see where they could go from here as everything was out in the open now. There was no going back and by the looks of it, there was no going forwards either. 

When Sebastian arrived at Darcey's hotel, he wanted to ask her to stay with him so badly. Just for one night with no strings attached but he knew more than anyone that that was practically impossible. He knew that once he had her there was no way he was letting her go.

"I guess I'll see you next week then?" Darcey asked, but it was not so much a question as a reassurance that nothing would change for them.

"Of course, unless you know something I don't" Seb chuckled, surprising even himself with his chirpy attitude. Darcey smiled to herself as she worked up the courage to walk away, telling herself that it was the right thing to do. 

"Goodnight Sebastian"

"Goodnight Darcey"

But instead, he let her slip out for the car and closed the door behind her. 

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