Chapter 21- Explanations

Start from the beginning

“Because…I was with Lauren and what I said to you.” He answered.

I shook my head in disbelief. “Just forget it.”

I tuned back to the piano to start the song again just as he closed off the keys preventing me from doing so.

“What are you doing?” I asked slightly annoyed.

“Tell me why you were mad.” He said.

“Figure it out for yourself.” I snapped and lifted the piano cover back up only for it to be closed again.

“Why can’t you just tell me?” He asked with frustration clear in his voice.

“Because some things need to be figured out without any help.” I replied.

Austin quickly threw his hands up in the air and cried out in frustration. What was his deal? I think he’s overreacting about this whole thing if you ask me.

“Did you ever think this is part of the reason I went to Lauren was because of how cryptic you always are. At least she’s easy to read.” He said.

She’s easy for everything, what’s your point?” I spat.

“I get so many mixed signals from you I don’t know where we stand.” He said. “One day we seem like things are actually getting somewhere and then another you’re going off with another guy. What am I suppose to think?”

“I don’t know maybe I did that because I was sacred I would get played.” I screamed.

Oh crap did I really just say that out loud? Now he’s going to know what I’ve been afraid of this whole time. Great Shannon, just great.

“Well how are you even going to find out if you won’t take a chance?” He yelled.

He honestly had me there. How was I supposed to know? Is it really better to not know than to know? Some chances aren’t worth the risk but with him I still hadn’t decided yet. I do have to agree that might have been some of our problems. All this time I have been afraid of getting my heart broke but by trying to prevent it, it happened anyway. So what was I really gaining from any of this?

Thinking of nothing I could say in return to that I decided to change the subject.

“Look we’ve gotten way off course here. We need to practice this song before Mrs. Edwards comes back.”

“First tell me what really made you mad.” He said.

I sighed knowing he would never let this go and answered him. “Because you believed her over me. Even after I explained to you what happened you still chose to believe her.”

“Even after you knew every word that comes out of her mouth is a lie.” I added feeling a little hurt.

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