𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 5

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After a long night of trying to sleep, I am awakened by Bangalore shaking me violently.

"The early bird gets the worm! Rise and shine sleepyheads,"

I roll over onto my back and I let out a yawn.

"Five more minutes!" I complain while closing my eyes again.

I hear feet shuffling and Bangalore trying to wake up Mirage.

"Wake up!"

"Uh no momma don't take my chops man~," Mirage mumbles in his sleep.

I hear Mirage smack his lips a few times and then I feel an arm around wrap around my body; I cuddle closer to it.

I feel myself drifting off to sleep again and then Bangalore is shaking me again.

Letting out a groan, I sit up.

"Okay, I'm up I'm up!" Another yawn escapes my mouth.

"Pack your stuff up, we've gotta get moving if we wanna escape this first ring and train a bit."

I nod my head and I grab the blanket.

Mirage shivers at the sudden loss of warmth and he wakes up looking around the room.

He sits up and hands me the pillow.

I place the pillow and blanket in my backpack and I stand up.

"We should head west and see what we find. It'll be busy on the way there so make sure you're alert!"

"Yes ma'am!" Mirage replies as he stands up.

He puts his backpack on his back and grabs his assault rifle.

I place my backpack on my back and I pick up my pistol that Bangalore gave me yesterday.

Once we are packed up Bangalore teaches me and Mirage hand to hand combat and how to quickly kill someone.

'Always aim for the head' is the phrase she kept on repeating.

She also teaches us how to properly aim and shoot a gun.

Training was intense so I ended up drinking most of my water.

I ate one breakfast bar and it was not the best taste wise, but it was very filling.

After training, we start to head west.

We make it to a river and we stop to refill our water canisters.

"Oh, take these just in case we get separated. It's a headset we can communicate through!" Bangalore hands me and Mirage a tiny headset.

I place mine in my ear as I thank her.

"Testing testing. One, two, three!" I say trying to see if the headsets work.

"Copy," Bangalore says.

I hear her voice through the headset so I turn to Mirage who is still trying to put his headset on.

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