24. Juliana, Revealed

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Noah dragged Juliana to the next bush, eagerly snuffling for squirrels, rabbits, lizards, or pretty much anything that scurried. Birds chirped around her, and not a single cloud darkened the sky. But the day didn't seem all that bright to her. She'd had to give up coaching sweet Jenny, and was now stuck with a cocky woman with narcissistic tendencies.

Danielle wasn't a bad person. She was obviously in love with her girlfriend. But she had trouble thinking positive thoughts about a woman who'd made Jenny feel awful about herself. Made her question her own worth. No one should ever feel less than.

Her phone rang, and she pulled it out of her back pocket. Her breath quickened when she read the display.

Why was Jenny calling her?

Only one way to find out. "Hello?"

"Um, hi," came Jenny's tentative voice over the line. "This is Jenny. Leffer."

"Yes, hi." Juliana held back the butterflies, waiting for Jenny to share the reason for her call.

"I wanted to, uh, apologize. For the way I hung up on you before. I was being stupid, made a bunch of dumb assumptions, and basically made an ass of myself. You didn't deserve any of that. You're so nice."

"Well, thanks." Juliana grimaced a little. Jenny thought she was nice. Nice was all right, but did that means she was boring?

Noah yanked on his leash as he sprinted after a squirrel and barked with glee, nearly causing Juliana to drop her phone.

"Is that Noah?" Jenny asked.

"Yup. Master rodent chaser and shedder of much fur."

"He sounds delightful." For some reason, Jenny's voice sounded elated.

"He is, when he's not licking himself."

Jenny laughed.

An awkward silence ensued. Juliana still wasn't sure why Jenny had called. The apology was nice, but she hadn't ended the call yet. What more was there to say?

"Anyway," Jenny hedged, as if trying to decide her next move. "I recently learned that, um..." A nervous laugh. "That you might... sort of..." A cough. "Like me?"

Juliana's stomach lurched. Had she heard correctly? How could she know? How did she find out? Hadn't Juliana been careful to keep her feelings to herself?

Natalie. It had to have been her. She'd purposely scheduled an appointment on Juliana's day off to avoid awkwardness. It had been a thoughtful move, but why do that and then blabber like a gossip-monger? It wasn't like her at all.

"Oh, God, I've screwed things up again, haven't I?" Jenny lamented. "I shouldn't have called. I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry. I'll just—"

Juliana snapped back to the present. "I do!" Wait, why would she admit that?

"You... what?" Jenny seemed thrown by the admission.

"Like you. I do. I—" It felt right to say, but wrong at the same time. Juliana was so confused. Jenny was a client. But she was Natalie's client now, so did that still count?

"You do?" Jenny didn't seem to believe her.

Juliana had just admitted her feelings aloud, yet the girl still chose to think she was undeserving of romantic interest? She had to set her straight.

"Jenny, you make me laugh and smile. You have a good heart. You're honest and clumsy and more beautiful than you realize." The words came spilling out once she finally untethered them. "I've been intrigued by you ever since I saw you. So, if you're willing, I'd love to get to know you better."

Complete silence.


"So... you don't have a boyfriend?"

A boyfriend? Where had she heard such an absurd thing?

"No," she said to clear all doubt. "There's never been a boyfriend."

"Oh." More silence. "And... you think I'm beautiful?"


Jenny exhaled like she was relieved, in disbelief, or both.

Noah barked again and dragged her to the next tree.

"He sounds excited," Jenny remarked.

"He has squirrel fever."

Jenny chuckled. "Can I meet him?"

Juliana raised her eyebrows at the unexpected request. "You want to meet my dog?"

"If that's okay. It's... well, more of an excuse to—you know—meet with you. I'd like to meet with you. Your dog can come too."

Juliana smiled. Felt the smile clear down to her shoes. "Yes," she answered before she could overthink it. "I'd like that."

FINALLY! All doubts have been cleared away! Time to vote.

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