Chapter 3 : The Contract

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  Sorry that you guys had to wait a while but thank you for getting me to #53-black Butler. I appreciate all of you now here's the next chapter and it's spicy in a way ;) .
Recap :

Ciel was confused then asked once more, "Royalty? From where, what type of royalty and of who?" She covered her mouth and chuckled again, "My you do asked a lot of question but suppose I should answer those as well. The Underworld and..." her golden eyes flowed even brighter, "Queen of Demons" she smirked. Her smirk grew once she saw his reaction.


Now :

  Ciel was still in shock to from what he hear. 'The Queen of Demons, how is that possible, but what did she mean when she said she had finally found Sebastian?...' before Ciel could ask any more questions the demoness spoke up.

  "Now, Sebastian you are allowed to speak and explain to me why you have been away for so long. I've missed you~" she ordered from the butler in front of her. "Yes my Queen I shall explain it from the very started.....(I'm not going to explain how Ciel first turned into a demon and how because those of you reading this should already know. And if you don't know then I suggest to watch the second season of Black Butler. Thank) ....and that is how I ended up this situation that I cannot seem to get out of, my Queen." Sebastian finished explaining.

  (Y/n) looked the navy haired man to her right and glared at him, "So you are behind the reason for my dear Sebastian, one of my favorite demons to be exact, for not coming back to me," she sharped her glare but look back at Sebastian, "Sebastian, rise from the floor and come towards me," she ordered once more, the black haired butler followed through and stood in front of her.

She brought up both hands cupping his face, "My poor Sebastian has been starved from any soul and has grown weak but don't worry, I shall give you what you have desired for so long." Sebastian looked at her with widen eyes. (Y/n) had gotten off Ciel's desk and walked towards him but he started to back away.

  "Wha..What do you plan to do, if Sebastian can't get my soul without permission what makes you think that you can," Ciel chuckled a little think that he won but he was so wrong. " What you don't understand is that he may have a contract with you and need your permission but for me," she walked closer and closer that she back him into a wall and slammed her hand and either side of his head, " I don't have a contract with you so I don't need your permission, also, you serve under me since you are now a demon and I rule over them~."

  After that sentence she slammed her lips against his. Ciel was confused but started to kiss back, putting one hand behind her head and the other on her waist. The kiss started to get more heated as (Y/n) and Ciel moved their lips more into one another with their tongues against each other. Ciel was enjoying it very much until he started to feel a sharp pain in his chest. He started to pull away but (Y/n) held tightly onto him. The pain started to get more intense and gripped tightly onto the woman's waist while still trying to pull her away. Ciel couldn't bear the pain because he's never felt anything like it.

  Before Ciel thought it could get any worse it suddenly stop and (Y/n) pulled away. He was panting trying to catch his breath and dropped to the floor then looked up at the demoness while glaring, "What..*panting*...What did you do?!?" He shouted. (Y/n) licked her lips and smirked then leaned down and grabbed his chin, "I took what you wouldn't give to Sebastian and I understand why he wanted yours so bad, it's quite tasty," she let go of his chin then chuckled.

She walked to Sebastian, wrapped her arms around his neck and looked up to him (since she was shorter than him, 5'7 ft to be exact), " Now to give you what you've wanted all this time~." Sebastian leaned down towards (Y/n) and connected his lips with hers while grabbing onto her waist. He could taste the flavor of Ciel's soul on her tongue and pulled her more in. Sebastian could feel the soul he's been waiting for go down his throat and his power start to return and get stronger. 'It's so delicious~ She adds more flavor to it~' Sebastian thought.

The two demons didn't mind that the third demon on the floor across the room was watching them. Sebastian lowered his hands and groped her ass tightly. " mmmph~" (Y/n) moaned into the kiss and pulled him closer. Ciel face reddened at the sight of the two ' don't those two have any decency??!' he thought to himself.

Sebastian had a leg between (Y/n)'s thighs and started to rub against her clothed pussy. (Y/n) moaned once again but then pulled away panting, "As much as I want to continue this Sebastian, it has to sadly wait~." Sebastian bowed his head and looked back at her, " Of course my Queen~."

(Y/n) turned back to Ciel, "the contract that's between you and Sebastian is now over since he devoured your human soul with my help and will no longer need to serve you~." Ciel stood up, glared at her then dashed to her and...
Cliffhanger, if you enjoy it, I'm glad you did and see you in the next chapter.

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