Prologue [ • ]

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7:05 am

"Goddamn, could you hold on any tighter?" Mateo sarcastically said and huffed. "Just shut the hell up and go." A deep voice said as they shoved him in the unknown office. "The hell.."

7:10 am

"Hey let me go you big bitch!" Novah yelled as the guard had to carry her into the office and they set her down, quickly closing the door after. "What the hell?!" "Hey calm down. Others, well..other I guess are here as well." Novah quickly turned around "who are you?" "Names Mateo. Who are you?" "Hm..Novah.."

7:11 am

"Get back up!! She's a fighter!!" Another deep voice could he heard yelling out of the room and suddenly a girl was pushed into the room with the other two. She stumbled back and landed on the floor. "Where am I?!" "Thats what we're trying to figure out." Novah sighed and looked around. Mateo went over to help up Tae and held his hand out. She just stared at him or a few seconds which confused him "Uh..hello?" He held his hand out more and she blinked a few times "oh..thanks." She grabbed his hand and he pulled her up. "Now does anyone have at least a clue on what we're doing here?" "No." Mateo and Novah both said in unison.

"Finally. You all are here. It's hell to do things like this when everyone  gives my henchmen a problem." Another figure was lowered down from a platform glaring at all of us. "Wait..are you-" "J-Money. Top heist leader and best know as the youngest to be successful for it? Yes." "Wh-" "What do you want out of us?" Mateo said and J-Money rose an eyebrow, walking in his face. "I'd advice you watch who you're talkin to like that kid." Mateo lowly growled and backed down. J-Money rolled his eyes and went to his desk, leaning back on it to face the other three. "A waste of our time." "Our?" Tae looked at him and he sighed "Did I stutter?" She scrunched up her face a little and sighed "whatever.." "Once again, a waste of our time. Time is value. All of you will soon learn that though. Anyways, all of you are now a heist team. We are now all known as,"


A sudden large screen slowly dropped down in front of them. With a map, details, specific people and specific locations.

The screen turned to one of the people in the room, playing videos, images, or small clips of that person as J-Money spoke.

"First, Novah Kim. 19 years old, date of birth; December 14th, height 5'2, and specialty as a decoy or a distraction. Now this isn't factual information but what I've heard around the block is you have different ways of doing so." Novah shrugged "I do. What difference does it make" "well if needed, there may be a case where seduction and or other..things will be needed to complete a heist but you will be notified as soon as that time comes." Novah slightly nodded and sighed.

"Second, Mateo Jung. 18 years old, date of birth; December 23rd, height 5'7, and your specialty is snipes. Now the reason we need you isn't only for your nice aim but for your keen eye. Sniping can also be involved in a mission but remember that's not your place unless told." Mateo nodded and leaned onto the wall. "Knock down the map behind you and I'll knock your head off of your neck." Mateo held his hands up defensively and moved "my bad, my bad." "We're gonna have to work on how you speak to a real boss."

"Anyways, last but not least, Tae Min. 17 years old, date of birth; February 28th, height 5'5 and a half, and your specialty is flying. Once again not factual, but word says you're the best pilot in your age gap. Also, that you can fly almost any aircraft available to you at said point in time." "Word is true." "Good, just what I needed to hear. If there are any missions that does not require an aircraft of any kind you are our fist." He touched his ear piece and crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "Seems like you've already shown your strength with my guards once they were transmitting you here." Tae shrugged "guess I can pack a punch."

"Right." J-Money touched his earpiece again and referred back to the screen, it changing as he did. "All of you will always be equipped with a gun and a pocket knife where ever you go. Especially working with someone like me, people will be looking for all of your heads. You all seem a little bit widely known but it's not something that will get you killed for simply stepping out. But I expect my team to be prepared for everything and anything that comes their way. One big trait is, no surprise, teamwork. Weather if you all like each other, hate each other, want to fuck each other, I don't care; you are a team working with probably the best heistmen you ever will. Your social life, and Mist life are separate. When you are referred to as a 'Mist' that means you are quick on your feet, strong, furtive, and have zero problems with working with each other as agents. None of you are to put the two lives together." He said strictly, glaring at them all.

"Now that's we're done with introductions, let's get real talk. Novah, you are the decoy/distraction. Mateo, you are our hawk. Tae, you are our pilot/fighter. Before we start real heist, you all are to train for a week for me to see where your skills are and for you all to get used to each others skills and traits. Got it?"

"Yes sir."


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