Chapter 2 - Rivendell

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Running away from your problems is a race you will never win - unknownRecap Dear Gandalf I will be happy to attend this meeting I will be there in three days time I will be bring along three others

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Running away from your problems is a race you will never win
- unknown
Dear Gandalf
I will be happy to attend this meeting I will be there in three days time I will be bring along three others.  Alex my head guard, Alina a female human and horse hybrid my personal guard and of course Laine a female hobbit and chameleon hybrid my best friend. I hope to see you soon and safe.
You friend Alpha

Alphas POV
For the journey I put my long silver hair in a braid and wore a black tunic with black pants. A hood covered my pale skin and face. My ice blue eyes scanned everything to make sure we were on the right path.
It was a two-day ride to Rivendell I had left Sophia a female human and dragon hybrid with long brown hair and pale skin, one of my most trustworthy friends in charge she was very smart and could rule with ease. I was riding with my three companions. I was riding a grey horse with black socks and spots named Magic I have had her since I was little. Laine was riding beside me on her chestnut horse named Almond, her short red curly hair clinging to her face as she talked, she constantly pushed up her glasses she wore a black silk dress that contrasts beautifully with the rainbow scales by her ear, her brown and green eyes filled with joy as she was such a happy hobbit. Alex was riding ahead to look for danger. His green eyes scanning everything his wild black hair kept covering his eyes while he rode his pitch-black horse named Raina, he wore black armor with gold rims to symbolize he was the leader. Alina was in her horse form her chocolate-colored skin contrasting with her midnight blue eyes she had become a remarkably close friend of mine and would always wear short dresses so she could fight in them, today she wore a lavender and sky blue one with a grey belt when she was not in horse form. As we stopped for the night to let the horses and Alina rest, we ate and slept.
The next afternoon we arrived in Rivendell the beauty stunning everyone but me who already been there multiple to visit a close friend of mine Arwen. I remembered the first time I had stumbled into this kingdom.
In the will of Isildur he said whoever killed Jade a human and dragon hybrid leader of the shadows would be the next to rule Gondor these people slaughtered every pack one by one for hundreds of years. 1500 years later they finally did it they found Jade and killed her with torture and hanging, but little did they know that Jade had a 10-year-old daughter who had escaped and was on the run.
As I ran, I had tears in my eyes my mother's last words to me were take the ring and do not ever be afraid because a shadow knows that the most dangerous person in the forest is them. I was becoming extremely confused on where I was. Suddenly I heard a galloping horse and hid from view I heard the horse stop then a gentle voice telling me to come out. I peeked around the tree trunk and saw an elf with brown hair and a gentle but stern face he was smiling lightly and beckoning the me to come to him. I slowly made way out of hiding and walked over to him. He looked closely and frowned a bit and asked if I happened to be the daughter to Jade, I started to back up he was just another one of those horrible men that worked for a dead man. He quickly explained that he was not going to hurt me and has a perfect place to hide in the Black Forest I felt afraid, but I quickly recalled my mother's final words and it calmed me. He took me back to his home when I saw it, it was beautiful I just stopped and stared with my mouth hanging open. Elrond chuckles at my expression with a soft smile he leads me to a room and knocks on the door a gentle voice replied to come in. We entered and she- elf with long brown hair and glowed was sitting on the bed with a book in her hand. Elrond introduced me to her as Arwen and asked if we may share a room she smiled with a soft nod.
That night Arwen was out in the garden, and I saw a picture on her nightstand of a beautiful elvish woman who looked vaguely like Arwen and like her twin brothers. I started to paint them all Arwen the twins and Elrond. Suddenly, I heard a gasp behind me, and I turned around just in time to see Arwen disappear around the corner I did not know what to do. I just finished the painting and when I was done, I stepped out on the balcony I heard more footsteps, so I turned around and saw Everyone I painted in the picture except the she- elf women. Elrond then came up to me and asked to keep the photo I nodded. He smiled and hugged me with a soft whisper of thanks. Later I discovered that she was Elrond's wife who had travelled to the undying lands. Me and Arwen became great friends. The next morning, I left to the Black Forest. After that I travelled all over to find those that were left of my kind. In the end there were only 27 but our pack will grow as time goes on.
Back to present
As we arrived Arwen ran out and came over, she hugged me but quickly ushered me to follow her. She told two guards where to take my friends. She then led me to a room where I saw Gandalf leaning over a little person who I recognized as a hobbit. He told me that he was stabbed by a Morgul blade, and he just is not recovering I walked up to him and placed my hand on the wound and muttered elvish and soon it healed I then told Gandalf say Elrond healed it those should not know the power of the Elements ring I will go lay down I said for I am tired from the journey. But before I left Gandalf replied the council is tomorrow at noon. I nodded my head and went to check up on my companions. They were fine I had a dreamless night but that is good since my dreams often turn into nightmares of my mother's death.
Thanks for those who take their time to read my books
Goodbye little wolves

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