I Will Not Bow

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Paint it black and take it back,
Let's shout out loud and clear,
Defiant to the end we hear the call, To carry on,


The white tile of the atrium slammed hard into my knees. I shuddered a yelp at the rippling pain that shot up my leg. The Ark had spat me out at the heart of the complex. Those walls that were once a pristine white now were splattered in crimson.

Earth. At least I was on Earth, even if it was deep under the surface. Shit. My synthetic knee cap trembled to click into place as I stood. With my rifle in my hand, I scanned the complex. It was empty. Completely deserted.

This nightmare was incomprehensible. Un-fucking-believable. The beast had torn through the atrium, breaking as it went. I stepped away from the ark, nearing closer to the main console that flashed with errors.

From above the metallic vent groaned in agony, crashing and sighing like it was about to break in two. I aimed, following the dents that appeared with each loud thrash. On queue, the muscle-bound creature crashed through the vent. Yowling as the metal cut its tough flesh. I watched the tile buckle and spiderweb beneath the beast. But it rose with a chainsaw in hand. That same saw had mauled through the corpses of scientists and strew their body parts around the room.

My eyes squinted. This was not the same beast as the one I'd jumped through the Ark after. This one looked different, it had the same inside out gorilla characteristics as the others but it was leaner and the head was bigger. I froze and stared at the creature's red muscle-bound back, it hadn't realised I was there. Shit, I was running out of bullets as it was. My boots silently thudded as I took a step back. Fuck. The mutant's neck cracked with the swiftness it snapped toward me.

Beady orbs of onyx narrowed. Locking on me like I was a fly in its house. Something to crush with the palm of its hand. The chainsaw revved in unison with the beast's disgust.

"Nothin' but a good time", I drawled with a raised eyebrow, embracing some of that Brian insanity as I slung my weapon around my shoulder. Time to run. The butt of my rifle jolted into the back of my vest as I turned on my heel and legged it toward the main desk.

That demonic Imp hissed, grinding out a low snarl before chasing after me with that chainsaw in hand. Shit... Blood pounded in my ears with every stride closer toward the desk. I held my Eagle firmly with one hand and the strap of my rifle against my chest with the other. The Imp slammed directly into the centre console as I dove over the counter. Fuck. It was close. I rolled onto my back and landed in a crouch. All the while I searched over the desk of consoles and flashing screens. I needed something to kill this demon with. I couldn't unload a mag of bullets and be left with nothing. 'Adapt or Perish'  Sergeant Kelly had spat in my face every day for my first year as a Marine. Ash spouted that same bullshit. I never thought I'd actually need it.

"Fuck" I hissed at the slim pickings the console offered. My heart beating faster as the chainsaw roared behind me, shaking the atrium in its power. I flickered a glance over the counter to the creature as it leapt to meet me behind the console. That chainsaw slashed at me but I rolled out of the firing line and slammed into a solid object. Something Metal and round.

"Son of a bitch" I spoke in disbelief to the small spare gas cylinder beside me and gripped onto the collar. My rib cage protested in anger the moment I stood with the cylinder in hand.

"You're up!" I called to the Imp and hurled the gas cylinder at the demon's corrugated skull. It whirled through the air, soaring until the Imp caught it on the jagged end of the chainsaw. Lodging deep enough to get stuck. Even better. My boots thudded a few metres back and I aimed at the cylinder. As soon as my finger hit the trigger I dove to the cover of the hall. Fire bit my arm, an orange sea of hot flame engulfing the console. The Demon screamed a spine chilling yelp of agony.

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