Death Flags For Two People!? Chapter 2

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Instead of worrying about my own death flags now I have to worry about my sister's too?!
Hmm how did she die and when though? If I want to prevent her death I need to know these things! I think it was a... I don't know Landslide? Ambush? Assassin? Kidnapping? Carriage Crash? I'm pretty sure she was the only one in the Royal family that was hurt. I'm not really sure. Think Adrianne think!

Man I'm just a baby but I have to think about this stuff! I'll think about it later I'm sleepy! And then I started to fall asleep.

When I woke up it was evening I guess I was born in the morning I didn't really look outside when I was born. I was to busy doing a monolouge of thinking!

Just then a maid came in.

"Young miss! You're awake! Let's drink this it's your food!" I tried to nod my head but since I was laying down I really couldn't do anything to add to the fact that I was a baby. She picked me up and fed me with a bottle Wait, why can't I breastfeed? Is my mom defective or something? Come to think of it I haven't see my mother at all but it's only my first day of life so I'm not sure.

After I ate the maid put me back in my crib of boredom. All the maids were talking about how there was a party but the royals weren't attending because of something they wouldn't say. I think they saw me following the conversation so they stopped talking I mean what baby would understand you! Oh wait.

Ok I need to think about the situation with my sister for a second but all my questions I can't ask so I guess I should work on talking. I tried to talk but all that came out was some random gibberish. I guess I should work on pronunciation first. When the maids were gone because they though I was asleep I went through the alphabet but every other letter I said sounded completely off! Man being a baby is hard. Hmph!

I should work on this more if I want to even try talking! I went at for a while what felt like a whole day but at most it was probably an hour or two. But now thanks to all that practice every two letter that are sound right the third letter sounds completely wrong! That's progress I guess but I still cant talk well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I need to work on this during my next nap. Then I fell asleep.

The next day:

I woke up and it was time to eat that baby formula again so I thought about my sister's situation. I think it was a carriage crash that took her life. So we just have to get past that right? But the question is when it happens. If it happens soon I won't have any say in what happenes so all I can hope for is that it happens in a few years. Ehh I'll think about that later. It took me a whole day to think of the cause so I need some more time to think.

After I finished the food my maid took me back to my room and read stories to me. The stories themselves were very boring but I couldn't read the book so it was helpful in figuring out how to read. After about 4-7 books ( I lost count whoopsies) I started to feel tired so my maid put me in my crib to sleep.

Nothing really happens when you are a baby it's so boring. While my maid was away I practiced my pronunciation again and after a while I tried to talk.

"Hew m nme s aten!" (Hello my name is Adrianne) well that didn't go as planned I don't think anyone in their right mind could understand that so I'll just keep to pronunciation for now. I drifted off to sleep after working so hard on speaking.

A few days later:

Ok good news I can kind of speak now but it's really bad. It'll have to do. The next step is to be able to use my muscles. To walk and such. For now I need to try turning over that's the first step. I tried to turn but all I did was slightly shake my body. Man this is harder than I thought! I tried a few more times but had no luck.

I almost fell asleep but I saw my three brothers walk in with my sister at the door I guess they aren't allowed to be here and she is standing as watch. My brothers came in and they were talking about how cute I was and such. William the oldest and the only one who was taller than the crib poked me I guess to see a reaction. Should I get them in trouble? I could cry and a maid would come running. Nahh that's too much work.

Just as I thought that a maid walked by and saw all my siblings.

"You trouble makers! Aren't you guys not supposed to be in here! If you don't get out by the count of three I'll call your dad!" With that they quickly scurried out of the room finally, peace and quiet. After that I drifted off into a deep sleep.

When I woke up I suddenly remembered! Wasn't there a holiday in remembrance of my sister? I think I remember reading about it in the game. What was it. I think I was 7? Yeah 7 definetly, then she would be 13 at the time! That's all the way in Brathia when she is in school! There's no way I could stop that. Well it was a holiday if you could call it that as it wasn't really giddy. I think it was May? March? It was March, March 12th!

Well I have the date but the problem is preventing it. Spring break is around that time. I know it was a carriage incident so maybe instead of her visiting us we could visit her?

Well that'll have to do for now. Now that I have a solution for her I should start thinking about myself.


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the update for learning will be soon so be on the watch for that. On that chapter I will post a template for entering a character. I will try to use every character you guys comment but I won't be able to immediately. Also tell me if there are any typos and I will try to fix it as soon as possible. Again thanks for reading see you soon!


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