Chapter Twenty Four

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Her hand was on his knee as he drove to his father's house to pick up Emma. If he looked over, he could see that smile on her face that proved she was just as happy as he was. And he felt like he was walking on air because this woman had agreed to become his wife.

They made it to his father's house in no time. He looked over at her, and when his eyes locked on hers, he felt his heart trip over itself. He was probably smiling like an idiot but as long as he was her idiot, he would be perfectly happy. "Are you ready?" he asked Marinette, plucking her hand from his knee to give it a kiss.

She gave him a smile that nearly sent him to his knees and how was it possible he was this happy? "Yeah," she said, her voice sweet and sure. "I'm ready."

They got out of the car, only for Marinette to side right up next to him once she was able. He happily bent his arm for her to hold, and she shot him a grin when she wrapped her arms around his. His heart was practically pounding out of his chest by the time he got to the door.

The Gorilla answered the door. With an approving nod, he let the duo in. "Emma is throwing a fit in your old room," he said.

Adrien cringed, hoping that what they had to tell her would be enough to calm her, but if it didn't, well, that's why they drove instead of walked today. "We'll go talk to her."

"In a moment," a voice called out. Adrien turned to see his father approaching. "Actually, I believe I'm going to have to pull Adrien away for a moment. There's a guest in my office I need you to speak with."

Adrien's expression fell. "Are you certain it can't wait, Father?"

"Emma can hold on a little while longer," Marinette whispered, patting his arm reassuringly. "Go handle business."

With a frown, he turned back to his father. "On the condition," he said, "that you and Marinette have a productive talk about just when she can start designing for you. She's not going to be Emma's nanny forever. Not if she's Emma's mom."

Slowly, a pleased smile spread over Gabriel's face. "Well then," he said. "I suppose we can have such a conversation, Mrs. Kurtzburg. As long as Adrien goes to handle business in the office."

"Fair enough," Adrien relented. "Thank you, Father."

He nodded.

With one last pat on Marinette's hand, Adrien pulled away from her and walked to the office where he was immediately greeted with the sight of a portly fellow lounging in one of the guest chairs.

"Ah," he said, standing. "The young Agreste."

"Yes. Pleasure to meet you, Mr..."

"Damocles," he said with a slight bow. "I normally do business directly with your father. But in this case, he called me saying you were in need of a ring. Specifically, an engagement ring."

Adrien was a bit stunned at this point, standing shock still as the man unlatched the thick briefcase he had rested on Gabriel's desk. He opened the lid at a sharp ninety-degree angle, revealing the staggered layers of rings that lifted out from the case.

Adrien opened his mouth then quickly shut it upon realizing he was speechless.

Mr. Damocles puffed out his chest and smiled. "Quite the selection if I do say so myself. Forgive my pride, but I do say I did a smashing job considering how short of notice I received."

"Father told you I needed an engagement ring?" Adrien finally said.

The man nodded. "He did."


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