Love at first sight

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(A/N) Hey guys! It's been a while! Sorry for those who've been waiting for another chapter, I've been working on my other story so I haven't really had time to type this one out. But I'm back! Also I should probably warn you that there is some talk about suicide in this chapter, but of course there will be no suicide. I hope you'll enjoy!

It's been hours since the gang won the fight against Offenderman and it was now the next morning. Everyone was still somewhat shocked about the whole thing, but Ben and Jack felt it the worst. They were so focused on you that they were both still in the pizza delivery disguises. "Guys," Slendy started as he walked through the cave entrance with another slender figure. "This is my cousin Tenderman. I called him over to take care of (Y/N)." Slenderman informed the group. "SERIOUSLY! HOW MANY SLENDER PEOPLE ARE THERE?!" Jeff asked but still didn't get an answer. Everyone present at the moment greeted Tenderman who was walking down the case of stairs with Slendy. "Hello everyone. Like Slenderman said, my name is Tenderman. If anyone needs anything, I will be with the patient." Slendy led Tenderman into Ben's room where you were resting.

~Ben's POV~

Everything felt so surreal. I was constantly beating myself up over what happened last night ever since I saw (Y/N) on the ground bleeding when I came back. 'People usually get each other get well gifts, right? I'll get something to go with the rose.' I told myself. I slowly got up from the couch. "I'm going for a walk." I said heading for the stairs. "Ben? Going for a walk? Man this whole thing must've really got to him." Jeff said mumbling the last part. I heard him I just didn't feel like reacting, but Jane slapped the back of his head hard enough for the both of us. I walked up the stairs and outside, being blinded by the sunlight. I took out the shades that happened to be in my pocket from last night and put them on. I teleported to the ends of the wooded area to save time then walked out into the open.

After 10 minutes of walking, I came across a department store. I quickly walked inside and immediately started looking for cards. "Are you finding everything alright, sir?" A lady asked stopping in front of me. "I- uh- I..."

'Crap! No one's here to speak for me!'

I inhaled deeply and shut my eyes before speaking again. "I'm looking for get well cards!" I blurted out. She looked at me like she was concerned, scared, and shocked, but I could care less. 'I spoke for myself!' I thought, feeling accomplished. "Y-yes you can find them on aisle 10." She replied. I came across an aisle full of cards and began my search. "Get well, get well, get well, get well...." I stopped at the section labeled 'Get Well' and picked up a few different ones and started reading them to find one for (Y/N). "Hmmm... 'Hope each day finds you getting better and better.' Alright." I put the other cards back and picked up an envelope to put the card in, then walked to the register. "Alright, sir, that'll be two dollars."

'Money. I forgot the money. I could just get it from the money Jeff and I have through teleportation.....or....' I quickly grabbed the card and envelope then teleported back to the cave. I calmly walk inside and sit back in the same spot I was sitting in before leaving. I picked up a nearby pen and took out the card, observing it a little, trying to figure out what to write in the empty space. "Whatcha dooooin'?" Sally asked from over my shoulder. "Signing this card for (Y/N)."

"Why?" She asked.

"So she'll know I care about her." I responded as I continued thinking about what to write. "You mean like her?" My eyes widen slightly and I could feel my face heat up then quickly turned around to my little sister figure. "ShhhHHhHh! No! I mean care!" I retorted in a whisper then turned back around to the card. I decided to keep it simple and just wrote my name. "Who's the card for?" Jane asked walking over to me and Sally. "It's for (Y/N). It's to let her know that Ben li-"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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