And Seek

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After many tries, the right outfits were finally found. "Pizza delivery?" Sally asked as they all examined their outfits. "Yes! But more stylish because I made them!" Trendy explained. "But why are we pizza deliverers?" Jane asked. "Ugh! Becaaaause when you get to offender's place you can just pretend to be bringing him pizza. Trust me, it'll work." Trendy said with confidence. Everyone looked at him with slightly confused faces. "But what happens when he says he didn't order pizza?" Jeff asked.

"Or if he realizes that we're not deliverymen?" Jack asked.

"Or-" Jane began but was cut off.

"Just trust me!" Trendy said frustrated. He wrote on the back of one of his business cards and handed it to Slenderman. "Anyways here's his address. Do any of you have a phone? You could enter it into the GPS and get there without a problem."

"Or we could teleport." Slenderman stated.

"If we do, I'm not going with Ben again! What if he gets lost again?" Jeff argued.

The rest of the group mumbled in agreement while Trenderman and Ben stood there in silence. "Alright have it your way I guess. I have business to attend to so I hope you all find the person you're looking for! Ta-ta~♡!" Trenderman said then walked away. "Alright this is the place we're teleporting to. This will be the first time any of us teleport here so I won't hold it against anyone if you get lost." Slenderman told them. He took out the business cards that were stowed away in his pocket and copied the address on the back of them then handed one to everyone. "That's weird...I have an extra. I thought I counted out a fair amount."

"Oh! I'll take that one!" Said a rather cheerful and familiar voice. "Splendy!!" Sally called out then ran up to him to hug him. "Sorry I couldn't make it here earlier. I didn't want to rush the girls." Splendorman explained. "But you don't have an outfit." Said Ben.

"I ran into Trendy on the way inside and he gave me one!" Splendy said hold out the outfit identical to everyone else. Once Splendorman slipped into his pizza delivery disguise, Slenderman handed him the business card. "Alright are we all ready?" Slenderman asked. "Wait a second," Jeff paused and went to go stand beside his new teleporting buddy, Splendy. "Okay." He said in a relieved way. "Ready now?" Everyone confirmed that they were and were on their way.

One by one, everyone appeared at Offenderman's place. "Okay the house is over there." Slenderman said. The house was a two story cabin that was in good shape. "It looks a lot cleaner than I imagined. I thought it was just gonna be some broken down shack or an abandoned house." Jane stated. The others mumbled amongst themselves in agreement. "All right, here's the plan. Ben. You're the only one out of all of us who looks close to normal and could play the part of a delivery boy, so you take the pizza box and knock on the door-" Jack said.

"Me!? But I haven't really interacted with people since 2000 something!" Ben shouted in a subdued voice. "It doesn't matter! Right now we have to save (Y/N) before something happens to her! Here," Jack began forming a pair of shades out of a solidified tar. "Put these on. Sally, while he's doing that can you phase through the walls to look for (Y/N)? Everyone else, follow me to the side of house." With that, they all went to their places.

~Meanwhile with You~
You weakly opened your eyes to a dimly lit room. The only things that occupied the room was an armchair, a few lit and unlit candles, and two night stand. You looked around and almost immediately notice someone also in the room hiding in the shadows in a corner. 'What is that?' You thought to yourself. Your heart rate increased. You quickly scooched back until your back was against the wall and grabbed the nearest object to make a weapon out of it: a candle. You hear shuffling and got prepared to launch the candle. The person who was once in the darkness started crawling towards you and soon the faint light reveal a girl who looked to be about 9 years old. Of course this confused you a little. You relaxed your arm and placed the candle down.

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