When I came home I went in my office room and finished the paperwork. I heard my phone vibrating and took it out of my bag.

baby🥵: I miss u already babe
baby🥵: I'm looking forward to see u tomorrow
baby🥵: I'm exciting af 🤭
baby🥵: anyway I don't want to distract you baby
baby🥵: I love you🤍
Me: I love you too baby🖤

These little messages made me happy. I never felt the feeling love like with her. It was different. Maybe because I'm in love with a girl. For the first time. It doesn't matter what it is. It felt right and that's the main thing.

After 2 hours of work I noticed how tired I was. I want to turn off the computer but I fell asleep.


On the next day I was in the front of Arianas house. I was waiting for her to drive to my family. I missed them. They didn't even know about my relationship with a girl.

When we arrived the house of my parents we rang the bell.

„Just relax baby don't worry they'll like you. Promise." I tried to say calmly.
She nodded and smiled to me.

My dad opened the door. I hugged him and introduced him with Ariana.
„This is Ariana. M-my girlfriend." I said and looked at him.
He smiled at me and patted on my shoulder.
„Nice to meet you Ariana. I'm Alexander. Come in."
I led her into the kitchen. On the table my family was sitting.
„Hello guys." I said and hugged everybody.
„Ehm this is Ariana. My girlfriend." I said proud in front of my family.
„Nice to meet you." my mother said and pulled her into a hug.
„I'm Isabella. This is her grandmother Sophia. And these are her siblings. Katie, Dylan and Ava." she said to her and smiled at her.
Ariana greeted everybody and sat next to me.
My mum cooked for us.

Arianas Pov.

„What is you job ariana?" my mother asked.
„I'm a singer." she said and smiled.
„Everybody knows her mum." Ava said and smiled at me. She was really cute. She came to Dana and whispered something into her ear.
„She asked me if you can make a pic with her." Dana told me and laughed.
„Oh my god of corse." I said picking her up and sat her into my lap.
„You're so cute baby." I said and kissed her cheek.
„I love you Ariana." she said and kissed me back.
„I'm gonna get jealous." Dana whispered into my ears what made me laugh.

After the dinner we went home. During the car ride we were talking.

„And what do you think about my family?" she asked an looked at me.
„I like them. They're really cute."
„Could you imagine my mother as you mother-in-law?"
„What's that for a question? Of cors!! She's really friendly and beautiful." I answered.

When we arrived my home we went into my room and laid on the bad. We watched Netflix.
„I need to go to the bathroom." she said and went away. At the same time suddenly her phone vibrated.
I went on iMessage and saw that someone texted her.


best friend🤯: can we still be friends?
best friend🤯: you know that I can't live without you Dana😣
Me: I can forgive you but it doesn't matter!
Me: I can't be with a girl who loves me Dilara
Me: I've got a girlfriend tho
best friend🤯: We know each other for 12 years Dana
best friend🤯: you don't have to choose it's kinda clearly
best friend🤯: It was always been me
best friend🤯: it was always like that me and you. We. US!!
Me: but I don't love you dilara please understand that
best friend🤯: please let's meet then we can talk from face to face
Me: I don't know I think my girl isn't gonna like that idea
best friend🤯: just don't tell her please let's meet
Me: okay when?
best friend🤯: tomorrow 1 p.m in KFC
Me: okay see ya
best friend🤯: see u everything 💕

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