Information Index

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It was suggested to me by a dear friend of mine, Dr. John Watson, that I write a lengthy article on my newest hobby for his newspaper, and originally I thought it a complete waste of my invaluable time. But when he insisted that my knowledge should be shared with others that have a need to learn about the field, I henceforth decided it a worthy endeavor. 

Here, I have composed a, shall I say, introduction sort of a first article, for I wish not to waste away my time in straining over several until I am sure it is of some interest. So I've given Dr. Watson the instruction to please send the following to whichever paper he prefers and relate to me if or if not they indeed desire more. 


Sherlock Holmes. 

From the actual author: (Shhh... Don't tell Sherlock. XD) 

This charming set of articles is hereby dedicated to my dearest friend and fellow Holmes enthusiast, B. Willcock. She has been quite curious in the essence of beekeeping, and I, as a beekeeper myself have been keeping her informed as to the conditions of my hives. But when I remembered that Sherlock Holmes was a beekeeper, I thought it a splendid idea to write this as if Holmes himself was penning such a set of articles. So, to you, B. Willcock. My partner in crime as well as my fellow consulting detective, two opposites in which one without the other could nere to exist.

Sherlock Holmes and the Essence of BeekeepingWhere stories live. Discover now