Chapter 24

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The next day, the talk of the manor was Charity and Mauve. Many different stories spread about what transpired. Some said that Charity was caught with Mr. Phillips in bed on top of her. Others said that Mauve full on fought Mistress Phoebe and beat her. All that was certain was that Charity was indeed having an affair with Mr. Phillips.

That morning both Mauve and Charity were invited to the study to talk over what happened. Mr. Taylor was in attendance as well. Edmund, of course, thought it was absurd that Thomas favored his slaves so much. And so he had little to say as they met with the slaves as if they were equals.

"It was a very brave deed you did, Mauve." Thomas told the girl as she sat across from him at his desk. Next to Mauve sat Charity, who was just thankful to be alive.

"It was no problem, Mr. Phillips. I could see that what was going on shouldn't have been happening. And so I had to think fast." Mauve told Mr. Phillips.

"Is the Mistress alright today?" Charity asked quietly.

"She's upstairs recovering from her hysteria. We've got a doctor scheduled to come in and make sure everything is alright in that mind of hers." Thomas informed the girls. Then he looked to Mauve. "How can I ever repay you for your bravery?"

Mauve didn't know how to answer that. She'd never in her life been rewarded for her work. But there was one wish that she had in her heart for years.

"I feel as though what I wish for is too much of a price." Mauve told Mr. Phillips. "I'd feel foolish for asking for what is on my mind."

"Tell me." Mr. Phillips insisted warmly. "There is nothing worth too much in this instance. You saved two innocent souls."

"Then I humbly ask that I will have leave to live with my family in Pennsylvania." Mauve proposed.

"It's done." Mr. Phillips nodded. "We will bring you to Pennsylvania at once. And upon your arrival, you will be freed."

The words that left Mr. Phillips' lips moved Mauve so much, she could hardly believe it. Finally she would be free. There was one more wish she had in her heart, and she feared to ask for it. "It would be most great if I were able to bring my brother with me."

"Nonsense!" Mr. Taylor broke his silence. "Thomas, do not listen to her. She got her freedom, let her take it. But losing two slaves is far too great! Especially when that boy could be used to breed."

"Since I've taken over this plantation I have no participated in any breeding of the slaves." Mr. Phillips squinted at Edmund. "Have you been breeding the slaves without my permission?"

"It's how you keep a plantation running. If no one bred then how shall one's stock continue on?" Mr. Taylor asked Thomas. "You're so young with such fairytales in your mind, you do not know what is good for you!"

"Do not speak to me of what is 'good' for I doubt you'd know such a thing." Thomas raised his voice. Mauve and Charity were extra silent while Thomas and Edmund had their quarrel.

"If it is too much to ask for, then I understand if you will not grant my little brother freedom." Mauve spoke after a long while of silence.

"You and your brother will go to Pennsylvania." Thomas told Mauve, who was filled with hope at this point. "And you will get to live amongst your family."

"You do not know how grateful I am, sir." Mauve leaned forward as she grabbed onto Mr. Phillips' hand. Mr. Taylor stood up as he saw Mauve make contact with Thomas. But then Thomas looked to Mr. Taylor and shook his head, motioning for him to once again sit back down.

"We will be off tomorrow, then. Edmund and Mauve, you may leave now." Thomas smiled. Both Mauve and Mr. Taylor noticed how he did not ask Charity to leave. Edmund especially was upset that Thomas was still seeing Charity after all that happened.

Both Mauve and Edmund exited the room. Mr. Taylor shut the door, hoping the other slaves would not see Charity inside and get any ideas. He hated Charity, but he didn't want Thomas' respect to be tainted any more than it already was on the plantation. Edmund felt that the slaves would start acting out if they saw how familiar Thomas truly was with negroes.

Edmund remembered when he first got hired by Sr. Master Phillips. The old man made it very clear that he wanted all the slaves on their best behavior.

But disaster struck when it was revealed that young Thomas had fallen for a negro girl. Being only the age of 18, she had to have been one of his first loves. Thomas and the negro they called Venus were said to have been for coating all over the plantation.

It was a scandal amongst the Phillips household. Master Phillips was especially upset. Edmund remembered a conversation he had with Thomas' father. Edmund himself was a much younger man, and he took better care of his appearance as well. Sitting in the study, old Master Phillips coughed into his handkerchief. Then he walked toward Edmund, his walking stick in hand.

"This is exactly what I feared. My son laying with a negro girl." Master Phillips told Edmund. "I told him plenty of times to stay clear of them! But he just wouldn't listen."

"He's a young boy. Many men find pleasures with the slaves." Edmund reminded the Master.

"That's true. But do the slaves find pleasure with the men? I did not raise a dishonorable man. These slave girls can't decline the advances of a white man." Master Phillips grumbled. "Besides, there's a reason why I don't want my son laying with a slave. Or even getting the taste for a negro."

"Why would that be?" Edmund asked out of curiosity. Master Phillips paused for a moment, unsure if he should reveal to Edmund his reasoning. But he also knew that someone must know of the secret he's held for so long.

"He doesn't know that I've laid with slaves too. And one in particular caught my fancy." Master Phillips admitted. "We were very infatuated with one another. And with infatuation comes lust. But with lust comes,"

"Child." Edmund finished Master Phillips' sentence. "The slave was with child."

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