I'm Sorry.

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Nathile Sanceor had a secret 15 years ago she had a child. A daughter and she also had a boyfriend. But he cheated on her. When their daughter found out they let her decide who she would stay with. And she chose her father. Nathile was heartbroken. Even when her child heard what her father had done she still chose to stay with him. Her name was Ember Sanceor. However her father had recently passed away. Which meant she would have to stay with Nathile...actually she would have to stay with the Agreste's as Nathile lived with them. Nathile was excited to see her daughter after so long. Nathile had asked her so many times to come to Paris as Nathile couldn't travel due to work. But Ember always declined always answering with

E: look I don't want to see you...I'm perfectly fine staying with dad. I don't want to see you so get that through your thick skull. I don't care about you in anyway. You probably don't  even miss me. You're probably lying just so I don't feel bad. But I really couldn't care less whether or not I see you again. Goodbye.

And then she would always break down into tears. And Gabriel or Adrien came to comfort her. Sometimes even both of them comforted her. Adrien already hated the girl for making Nathile cry. The closest thing he had to a mother was her. He hated it when Nathile cried, it made him want to cry. He didn't want Ember in his house whatsoever but it's not like he had a choice.

And then there's Gabriel. He thought she was an absolute BRAT! He hated it when Nathile cried as well. He couldn't stand it. All he wanted was for her to be happy. He knew something was starting to stir in him whenever she was around. He knew he was falling for his assistant. He had stopped being Hawkmoth because Adrien saw him and Nathile transform one day and then he somehow ended up persuading them to stop. He told them that he was Chat Noir and then they felt a hundred times worse. They apologised for what they did and he forgave them. Master Fu let them keep the miraculous as long as they didn't use them for evil to which they agreed. And Nathile's health had gone back to normal since the peacock miraculous was fixed. Well almost normal. If she became to stressed she would have a large coughing fit and collapse to her knees. So Gabriel and Adrien tried their best to make sure she was never stressed.

Time skip

Today was the day. Nathile was going to see her daughter after 12 years. The last time she had seen her she was 3. Nathile had cried a little wondering if she would be able to connect with her daughter. Gabriel had calmed her down and that was when the doorbell went off. Adrien went to go answer it and when he did there stood a 14 year old girl who looked a lot like Nathile except she had green eyes not blue ones. She looked at him and said

E: you are?

A: Adrien, Adrien Agreste.

E: okay whatever. I'm. Ember Sanceor.

A: okay. Come in.

Then she picked up her bags and brought them inside with her. She looked around the mansion a little shocked that she was gonna live in it.

E: so where's my so called 'mom'?

A: don't talk about Nathile like that!

E: what are you gonna do?

Then someone from the kitchen ran out of it as they shouted

K: Miss Sanceor!? Miss Sanceor?!

Then Nathile walked out of the office and gently said

N: what is it? Are you okay?

K: I'm fine but one of the staff members stepped on broken glass and we don't know what to do!!!

N: hey! Calm down. It's okay bring her to me and get a medical kit as well. But make sure she doesn't use that foot whatsoever we don't need it going in deeper.

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