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Gabriel had a new client coming over to check on his designs for him. He knew the man was very flirty but he didn't think anything of it. He had Nathile set everything up for him. She had also recently moved in and since Gabe had saw her with her hair down a few days ago so he told her to keep it down more often as she looked beautiful with her hair down. He also had told her to wear business casual as he could tell that she was getting more tired because the effects of the miraculous were still wearing off. That day she was wearing a grey collared sweater, a black blazer, black pants and shiny black shoes.

There was a knock at the door so Gabe went answer it

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There was a knock at the door so Gabe went answer it. When he did open the door a handsome man was stood there and his name was Joseph Brown.
G Mr. Brown how nice to see you.
J yo Gabe call me Joey!
G okay then. Let me take you to the atelier.
J alright then, bro!
Gabriel laughed awkwardly. They both walked into the atelier as Gabe asked
G would you like some coffee?
J yeah sure, man!
Then he quickly told Nathile to bring in some coffee for the both of them. Around five minutes later the both of them had started to talk about the designs when Nathile walked in.
N here is your coffee, sir.
G thank you, Nathile and please call me Gabriel okay?
N of course, sir...I mean Gabriel.
J and who might you be, beautiful?
N *blushes* Nathile Sancoeur, sir. I am Gabriel's assistant.
J no one ever told me how beautiful you are.
N uh thank you, sir. If you'll excuse me.
J no.
N huh?
J you asked if you could be excused and I declined...I don't want you to leave.
N well I'm sorry to disappoint you, however I need to pick up Adrien.
He then took her by the chin and said
J why don't I take you out someday?
Nathile was absolutely paralized she had no idea what to do! She was panicking because even though she had met with some perverted clients they had never gone this far as to refuse to let her leave. She blushed heavily when she was finally brought back to Earth as she heard Gabriel growling. She quickly pushed him away and said
N I'm sorry but I have to I really have to go Gorilla is waiting.
Then she quickly scrambled out of the room as she pushed some of the hair out of her face. As soon as she opened the door she was met with Gorilla stood there with an annoyed look on his face.
N yes I know I'm come on...we need to get Adrien.
He grunted as she closed the door without looking back.
A actually Nathile I'm already here.
N I'm sorry, Adrien...something stopped me.
A its fine Nathile.
N thank you.
Gabriel being an empathist could feel how uncomfortable she was but he didn't know what to do. But he couldn't help but want to punch the guy. Nathile had rejected Joey but he didn't stop...Gabe's heart hurt when he felt how uncomfortable she was. All he wanted was to protect her. To look into her beautiful eyes and tell her everything was okay. Wait what?! What are you thinking Gabe? You love Emelie...don't you? He didn't know anymore when he tried to picture grassy, green eyes all he saw were a pair of ocean blue eyes. Maybe he didn't love Emelie anymore? He knew that he and Nathile had grown exceptionally close over the past few years. He knew that he had started feeling more towards Nathile over these past few weeks. He sometimes found himself up at night with Nathile glued to his thoughts. His last collection was completely inspired by her. He had no other inspiration and that day he thought she looked exceptionally beautiful that day. He was brought out of his trance when he heard someone say.
J hm to bad...all I really wanted was her in bed...she looked like she'd be great in bed.
G what did you just say?!
J that I want her in my bed.
Nathile had walked into the room at that point to get something when she heard his statement.
N you're dispicable.
J Nathile! I didn't see you there.
N whatever.
She walked over to her desk to grab something but when she was about to leave Joey grabbed her by the waist and said
J my love, please.
N okay first of all...don't touch me...and second of all...I am not your love.
J but...
N I!
G she said no!
J oh shut up Gabriel! Even you can see...that she is the most beautiful woman that the world has ever seen. And I'm guessing there was at least one time where you wanted her.
G that may be true but at least I don't force myself upon woman.
J whatever.
G the deal is off! Get out of my house!
J whatever old man...just know that Nathile will soon be mine.
Then he stormed out of the house but not before he kissed Nathile on the lips which she immediately refused. She fell to the ground in a coughing fit. Stress made her have a large coughing fit. Gabriel quickly ran over to her and rubbed her back gently.
G shhhhh it's okay, my dear Nathile.
N thank you.
She hugged him.
N I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have ever decided to be more casual at work. I don't wanna be with him, sir.
G shhhh it's okay. You're not ever gonna be with his as long as you choose so okay?
N *whimpers* okay. Gabe?
G hm? Yes?
N when he said "you've at least wanted her once" and you said "that may be true" did you mean it?
G I um uh...maybe?
N *blushes* really?
G uh yeah...I think you're like pretty amazing and beautiful.
N thank you.
G *blushes* can I uh kiss you? Wait what!?
N huh? Okay.
Then he gently leaned in and kissed her. Their kiss began to be slightly more heated. He pulled her closer and she moaned quietly when he bit her lip. They pulled away and both were panting for air.
G I want to hear you moan again, my love.
N *shivers* *blushes*
G I love you.
N I uh I love uh you um to.
G you are so cute.
Then he started to kiss her neck.
N mmmmmmm! Gabriel!
G what is it, baby?
N *whimpers* more.
G oh you want more?
N mmhmm.
G tell me how much you want me first, my love.
N mmm God I want you so so badly.
G is that so?
Nathile couldn't take it anymore and started to unbutton his shirt. Once she did she looked at his bare chest and blushed as she realized what she was doing.
G oh, looks like you really want me.
N Gabe...I want you.
G kiss me.
She didn't have to be told twice. She kissed him roughly on the lips. He bit her lip and she moaned against his mouth. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth. He explored her mouth as she was just a moaning mess.
G you're so hot.
N mmmm.
Then he gently started taking off her clothes...mind you they were still on the office ground. Once her shirt was off his eyes scanned over her.
G what a beautiful body!
Then he kissed her stomach and her breast.
G god, I really wanted to punch that guy when he was flirting with you, Princess.
N s-sir...please *gasps* don't tease *moans* me.
G shhh, my love. I'm going to give you the pleasure as you deserve.
N why don't we go upstairs?
G mmm...great idea, my love.
Then he picked Nathile up, let her pick up their clothes and walked up the stairs. Little did they know that Adrien saw them...he didn't really care that he saw his father shirtless but he was a little embarrassed that he had seen Nathile without a shirt. He watched as they shared kisses on the way up to his father's room. He also took a picture but he made she you couldn't see Nathile's chest and then sent it to Alya, Nino and Mari. They all thought it was sweet but Mari said
M maybe you could ask her if she could model for me sometime? She seems to have a beautiful body and she's a beautiful person in general...maybe her and your dad could model a few couples outfits for me?
He replied with.
A yeah that sounds like a good idea...I'll ask them...later though.
Then he turned back to the couple to see Nathile held up against the wall with Gabriel kissing her neck as she moaned loudly.
N God Gabe slow down. *giggles*
He started to nuzzle her as she giggled saying
N my love, that tickles.
G are you tired, my love?
N no why?
G cause you've been running through my mind all day.
N you're so silly. I love you.
G I love you too, baby. No let's go have some fun shall we? *kisses her neck*
N mmhmm yes, handsome.
G oh? Am I handsome now?
N you were handsome since the beginning.
Then Gabriel carried her to his room where they spent the rest of the day together.

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