Learned To Love Again

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Gabriel was trying to make an effort to be in Adrien's life now. He had finally gotten over Emilie and buried her. They were both about to eat lunch when Adrien and said
A can Nathile eat lunch with us, Father?
N Adrien, I don't think-
But she was cut off by Gabriel who said
G of course she can! Nathile...go get your plate.
N but, sir.
G that's an order and please call me Gabriel or Gabe okay?
N yes, sir-I mean Gabriel.
Then Nathile walked out of the room and brought her plate. She sat down with them as Nathile looked at Adrien and said
N how is school going Adrien?
A it's going good...but we were assigned partners for a project.
G oh? What kind of project?
A it's for history...everyone was assigned an era.
N what era did you get? And if you don't mind me asking...who is your partner?
A Marinette Dupin-cheng is my partner and we were assigned the victorian era.
G hm okay. Isn't Miss Dupin-cheng the girl who won the derby hat contest?
A yeah she is. She makes awesome clothes.
G okay. Well I'm not great at history but I know Nathile is amazing...she was at the top of the class for everything back in school. She was amazing at everything! And she still is.
N Gabriel! I'm not amazing.
G I don't know about that, my dear Nathile. *taps her nose*
Adrien saw this interaction between the two of them and was over the moon. Maybe Nathile could someday be his new mom.
A *coughs*
Both adults looked and him and blushed as they both tried to avert their eyes to anything but the other adult in the room.
A I didn't know that, Nathile.
N well it isn't that special.
A why do you always talk down on yourself?
N huh?
G Adrien's right...you always have something bad to say about yourself...*kneels on the ground in front of her* you truly are the defenision of amazing. If you weren't here this company would have fallen years ago. You are a beautiful, bright, kind, cheerful woman...you should talk more highly of yourself.
N I was never talked highly of when I was a child my parents always compared me to my brother. They never wanted me...they would have game nights and things like that with him but send me straight to my room after dinner sometimes they didn't even feed me. My brother tried countless times to get them to accept me...but they never did. Even when I made everyone breakfast...I even used to do my brother's homework on their demand. I grew to accept that they would never love me...that I was a mistake. To be honest I never knew why they didn't like me...on countless occasions I tried to kill myself but I didn't have the heart to do so...I cut myself quite often as well. I buried myself in my studies which is why I was at the top of my classes. I would draw occasionally and at one point my teacher wanted to do a show case of the classes work and for once in my entire life I felt, happy you know?...I had spent two weeks working on that drawing...but when my parents found out that my work was going to be celebrated the most they found my work and then ripped it to pieces.
G I remember....you came to my house that night...you cried for hours...I'd never seen you cry before.
N I know then your parents walked in and...
G *looks at Adrien* my parents loved and still love Nathile. They thought she was extraordinary. She had started tutoring me cause I needed help with some classes and from the first day she treated them respectively and kindly. She always had good manners she was even nice when we had my little cousins over and they wanted to play. One of them even had a crush on her. *laughs*
N *laughs* I remember that...anyway back to the story...his parents walked in and asked me what was wrong and I told them all everything. His father, Noah, was ready to tear my parents apart I knew that cause he said
No oh I am going to kill them all!
And I immediately replied with
N violence is never the answer...you should never act upon your negative feelings.
And he replied with
G he replied with....
A,G your sweet nature is a blessing and a curse, Nathile...but really it can be annoying how innocent you are!
The both of them laughed and Gabe said
G father was always quite impulsive. Actually he didn't agree when I told him I wanted to be a fashion designer...Nathile was the one who convinced him to stay in touch with me...and I'm very grateful for that.
N it was no problem. In the end a court order was issued and I was given the choice of either living by myself or to live with the Agrest's. I chose to live by myself cause I was still trying to accept myself and I didn't want to be a burden to them...
G even though we told her she wouldn't be a burden.
N *smiles* I know...I visited them all the time...and then Gabriel and Emilie met...they fell in love. Gabe started this company and I became his assistant and then you know the rest.
A wow! I'm so sorry you didn't get the childhood you deserved.
Then Nathile heard crying and so did Gabe but Nathile had gotten up first.
N excuse me.
Then she walked out of the room to the kitchen where the chef was stood there crying. Gabe and Adrien followed her but made sure she didn't see them.
N chef?
She asked gently.
N are you okay?
C no! I'm not okay! It's my kids birthday and I can't celebrate with them!
N hey hey! Calm down...why don't you take the day off?
C what about the Agrest's?
N they'll be fine...if it really worries you then I can personally make the two of them dinner okay?
C o-*hiccups*okay. Liam, Kelly...come here.
N your kids are here?
C yes, I hope you don't mind.
N no no it's fine...I'd love to see them again.
C they ask about you every now and then. And I'm pretty sure Liam has a crush on you.
N *giggles* he is adorable.
C now don't go breaking my son's heart okay?
N what!? How dare you think I would break his heart? *joking* he's my type anyway.
The two of them laughed as the kids ran up to them and said
L, K Nathile!
They both attacked her in a hug as she giggled saying
N well hello, my little monsters!
She tickled both of them and kissed then on their cheeks. She had bent down to kiss their cheeks and Gabriel couldn't help but look at her butt. He also couldn't believe Nathile could show so much emotion. He knew she occasionally showed Adrien some affection but this much affection was slightly astonishing.
N listen your mommy is taking the day off make sure you have the best day ever okay?
L, K okay!
C but won't Mr. Agrest be angry?
N of course he will be angry.
C and your okay with that?
N yes I've worked with the man for years and knew him before that...I think even though others may think he is a bad person...he's not...he has difficulty with emotions and that's normal after what happened.
C you're right, Miss Sancoeur.
N please call me Nathile.
C okay. Can I ask you a question?
N yeah, sure.
C do you love Mr. Agrest?
N what?! Pffft no.
For some reason Gabe's heart stung when she said she didn't love him. He knew that in the last few months he had grown to love her...he just didn't want to admit it. But he loved her.
N okay...maybe?
He smiled at how nervous she had become. Adrien smiled at him and whispered
A tell her how you feel before you loose her okay?
G *blushes* okay.
Then Nathile escorted them to the door. Adrien went to his room but Gabriel still followed. Before they left she placed around €1000 in the chef's hand and said
N I know your family is struggling...I know this isn't a lot...but I hope it helps...it's my gift to all of you.
The chef started to tear up as she hugged her and said
C thank you...thank you so so so much. This is more than enough. Are you sure though? This is around a thousand euros.
N I'm sure.
C people are wrong about you...despite your last name you are full of heart.
N thank you...now go. Have fun with your beautiful children while you still came okay?
C okay.
Then the chef took her kids hands as Liam looked back at Nathile and she just...blew him a kiss and winked at him with a smile. He blushed as red as a tomato and ran to catch up with his mom. Nathile giggled as she watched them leave.
N bye!
L, K, C bye, Nathile!
As she turned around she said
N alright come out, Gabriel.
He walked out from his hiding spot and said
G how did you know?
N I know everything that goes on in this house...so be careful.
His jaw fell open at how playful she was being this was the Nathile he had known years ago. He smiled as he walked over to her and said
G is the old Nathile back?
N hm? What do you mean?
G is the playful, amazing, kind, sweet and creative Nathile back?
N hm I guess so.
G I like that...I need to tell you something.
N what is it?
G I've known you for a very long time...and in these past few months something began to stir in me whenever you are around. I love the way you occasionally stop working to check on me, I love how modest you are, how you don't think you are better than anyone, I love how when you get a little flustered you chew on your pen or type a little harder on the key board. I love everything about you, Nathalie Sancoeur. I love you.
N *blushes* I love you too, Gabe...you already knew that.
G yeah...sorry.
She giggled quietly and kissed his cheek. They both leaned in and when their lips met they both felt as free as a bird flying through the sky. When they let go he smiled at her and she replied by doing the same thing.
G I'm glad I learned to love again.
N I'm glad to.
Then Gabe lead her to his room as he pulled her inside. He looked at her and said
G I love you.
N *wraps her arms around his neck* and I love you.
He began to kiss her neck as she moaned quietly into his ear. His hands gently went to her thighs where he caressed them. They both knew they still had quite a bit of work so she pulled away, grabbed him by the tie and said
N later, my love, later.
He blushed as she quickly kissed his neck, which made him moan, and began to suck. Then she let go.
N good a mark...now people know that you are mine and mine only...understood?
G *blushes* understood. You're so hot.
To be honest Gabe could feel his pants tighten he wanted her so badly. He had always known that Nathile was a woman who liked to be in control and in this type of situation he really liked that about her.
N hm good. Oh and thanks. *winks at him*
Then she kissed him and walked out after as she left him stood there absolutely astonished and slightly disappointed he couldn't have her. But then he realised he could spend the night with her and his mood fliped. For the rest of the day the couple couldn't keep their eyes off each other...and they would occasionally flirt or Nathile would turn him on and then leave him alone which really pissed him off. At one point she walked over to his desk and took his chin by her finger and said
N hm I wonder if such a hot guy would like a kiss?
He pulled her into his lap as he said
G mhm. The hot guy really needs a kiss.
N *smirks* mhm okay then.
She kissed him passionately on the lips and he responded straight away. After a few minutes she pulled away and said
N you're hot. You have a girlfriend?
G hm not yet. But I was wondering if Nathile Sancoeur would be my girlfriend?
N she said yes.
She kissed him again and they began to make out. He gently ran his tongue over her lip asking for entrance, which he was granted, and explored his mouth. She moaned quietly into his mouth and then Gabriel wanted more. She began to grind on him and all Gabe knew was that he was in HEAVEN! Around half an hour later they were still making out when Adrien quietly walked through the office doors to find his father and his assistant sat in his lap in a heated make out session. They didn't even notice Adrien. He couldn't help but notice how tightly his father was holding Nathile. When they let go they still hadn't noticed Adrien and he didn't want to ruin their moment cause he knew Nathile would of been uncomfortable so when they collided in another kiss he snuck out of the office unseen. The couple decided to finish their work and then spent the night together. And in the end that's what they did and before he fell asleelp he couldn't help but think...
G *thought* I am so glad I learned to love again.

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