"-it will last longer" I finished, pretending to throw up. "God, that's soo corny!

"Haha, why do you think I said it?" he winked. "Anyways, this is it. This is where I live"

"So, I'm guessing you don't live alone?" I inspected the medium sized house after stepping out of the car. They had a garage and a nice garden as well.

"Noo, haha. My parents said the earliest I was allowed to move out by myself was when I started college but there was no way I could wait that long, so we compromised and I got to move out early by agreeing to live with my older brother"

"Oh, nice. How old is he?"

"26" Jungkook smiled. "We get along great, he's super easy to be around"

"Is he home?" I asked, as I pulled off my shoes in Jungkook's hallway.

"No, he's gone clubbing with friends. Not sure if he's gonna come home at all tonight" he shrugged. "Oh and keep those on" he pointed to my shoes.

"What, why?" I chuckled.

"You'll see, wait here" was all he replied.

He came back with two thick winter jackets and multiple fluffy blankets. "Put this on" he pointed to one of the puffy jackets. "I'll be right back"

"No, wait! What are you doing? Let me help!" I called after him.

"No need! I am an independent woman!" he shouted back. I hated how much his terrible jokes made me laugh.

He came back with four bottles, two ciders and two beers, and put on the other one of the two winter jackets.

"Let's go" he smiled, jingling car keys.

Holding myself back from asking any more questions, I walked back to his car but the door didn't open when i pulled on it.

"Wrong car, sweetheart"

Jungkook opened the garage door and there it stood in all its silver glory, his brother's pickup truck.

"Where are we going?" I couldn't keep quiet anymore, too curious about what Jungkook had planned.

"Back to the forest, to go look at the stars"

"Oh, hell no" I froze in my step, hugging the fluffy blankets a little tighter to my chest. "What about axe murderers?"

"Remember the last time we walked through a forest at night? Did any axe murderers get you? No, right? I protected you, didn't I?"

"Yeah but only from my fears and not from actual axe murderers. I still highly doubt you could fight one off if it came down to it, sorry." I chewed on my lip. "How about a meadow?"

"Ah got it! Meadows don't have axe murderers but forests do"

"No, axe murderers could still potentially show up in meadows but we would be able to see them coming and could drive off in time, unlike in the forest where they could sneak up on us and boom, we're dead!"

why do you only call me when you're high? //kthWhere stories live. Discover now