18• epiphany

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Friday, September 28th7:47 pm

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Friday, September 28th
7:47 pm

+1 new message

Jungkook: what are you doing on saturday?

Me: nothing much, staying in probably:)

Me: why'd you ask?

Jungkook: ah okayy..

Jungkook: i was just wondering whether you and ur friends were coming to yoongi's party

I checked whether Sammy was around and could potentially spy on me but she was still in the kitchen with Dom arguing over dinner, so I felt safe. I made myself comfortable on the couch, staring at the chat with Jungkook.

This was definitely the same party Sammy had mentioned earlier.


I knew I had heard his name before but I couldn't put a face to it.

It didn't matter, we weren't going. And that was final.

I picked up my phone again, hesitating for a moment before I started typing again.

Me: I don't think we will.
Been to too many parties recently😅

Me: are you going?

Jungkook: there's no such thing as too many parties, babe😜

Jungkook: & yup. i'm helping him set up and everything:))

Me: cool:)

Me: how are all these kids having house parties every other
weekend anyways?
my mum would kiiill me😬

Jungkook: same^^

Me: wait-

Me: you're telling me
you've never had a party
at your house?

Me: THE jeon jungkook
has never had a house party?

Jungkook: nope🙉

Me: noo wayy-

Jungkook: you should really come to yoongi's though, it's gonna be fun;)

why do you only call me when you're high? //kthWhere stories live. Discover now