A Normal Day for Shikikan

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Waking up in a pretty tired state is always a relief to see the girls doing their own work as usual.

Laffey and Javelin working together as usual.
Somehow Mutsuki bullied Kisaragi again.
Ark Royal.....doing questionable stuff.

The Carriers are doing their sorties well with the other cruisers and battleships.

Today is still warm
The are obviously calm
Well its time to strip.

Ahh the heat was too much though
despite being in the shade.

The Sirens are not yet here thanks to the Northern Parliament and Sardegna ships fighting for us, I just wonder what kind of Shikikan is commanding such fleets right now.

-It seems that one of the girls saw me and my naked upper torso. Lets hope she doesn't do something stupid.


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