"Wait a sec," I said suddenly, scanning over the battle. "How long've we been at this?" Out of the corner of my eye I saw Travis and Kade share a glance but it only last a few second.

            "Uh, about four hours," one of them answered.


            They just stared at me as I looked at them straight on. Travis was looking in mock question, as if he thought I was lying. "Uh, yeah, where've you been?"

            Kade, however, was a different story. He looked a bit concerned before standing up and coming to me.

            Before I knew it, he had already looked me over and for some reason, he put his fingers to my neck but then pulled back. The worry had left his eyes and he looked… relieved, almost.

            "Well, your pupils are dialated and your pulse feels like it just skyrocketed. It's slowing down now but still, it's pretty fast. It's like… an adrenaline rush, almost, but it was just a little more than that for you. It must've felt like an hour, not even that long."

            "Well, aren't you a little war machine?" muttered Travis sarcastically before he kicked a couple rocks. He seemed pretty annoyed but I could feel the concern for me in his mind.

            "Look, Kiera, as awesome as you're doing, I need you to slow down. You're gonna blow out." Kade placed a hand on my shoulder somewhat comfortingly but I shook it off.

            "Kade. I'm not gonna stop fighting. Not when these guys are." I motioned to the battle behind me and then turned. I'd been so consumed in what I was doing, I hadn't bothered to see how we were doing.

            From the looks of it, it was still pretty even though there were a few more of them than us. At least we weren't getting massacred, but still, I couldn't imagine the death number.     

            Kade let out a harsh sigh, running his hands through his hair. "Look, Kiera, no offense meant when I say this, really, but you're part of the royal family and to be honest, also our only hope in this battle. And don't tell Alex or Luke I said that," he added in at the end, giving me one of his signature smirks.

            With I raised eyebrow, I replied. "Well, I don't care. If I am your best chance, which I know I am, I'm gonna be up on the front lines until I die."   

            "'Cause, Kade, I'm okay with that. I'm okay with dying if it means I went down fighting for my people and my kingdom. And I want them to know that. I'll give my best shot at not dying but if it comes to it, leave me. It is okay, just give me a shot at the big man." I smirked at him.

            "Now, no more stupid speeches, I'm off." I looked towards the battle, preparing to go back in.

            But as quick as lightning, and as I expected, Kade grabbing my arm. There was a serious look on his face, like he was about to tell me something, but I shook it off. I'm pretty sure I had a good idea at what he was gonna say.

            "No, Kiera, stop!" Kade suddenly raised his voice. That stopped me and I gave him a look. "Kiera, I get it, you're ready to do whatever it takes to save your people… but there's no way I'm letting you go in there alone. Got it?"

            I stayed still for a second but then smiled. Kade gave me a grim smile before dropping his arm and then we turned to walk into the battle once more.

            "Uh, guys, what about me?" Travis called behind us. I couldn't help but laugh.

            Anyone could attack, anyone could take our kingdom, but they would never break us. Not as long as I was breathing. I was sure of that.

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