Belphegor x insecure!reader

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You began your usual routine. Come home from RAD, take off your shoes, attempt some homework, give up halfway through, and belly flop onto your bed.

You were miserable, in truth. Although, you disguised it very well. You were always way more giving than you were selfish. You put yourself before others, in hope that you could perfectly masquerade your own self loathing.

If Lucifer wanted you to do some tasks, you'd do them. If Levi wanted someone to rant to or watch anime with, you'd be there for him. If Mammon wanted someone to take the fall for one of his schemes, you'd do it.

It was exhausting work, but you couldn't let them find out how pathetic you actually were. You even rewarded yourself with thoughts like, "why be selfish and think about myself when I could be bettering other people?"

Only in brief moments like this, were you truly alone. No demon in site to pester you. You hated this the most. There were no distractions. The only one accompanying you was you. And that forced you to think about yourself. And you hated thinking about yourself.

"How pathetic..." You whined through a yawn. "I gave up halfway through my homework again." You lied on your side in your bed, facing the adjacent wall. "And here I am again...doing absolutely nothing to contribute to society. I'm taking up more space than I'm worth" you sighed.

Switching your position in bed, you now lied down facing the ceiling. You brought your hands to your face and forced yourself to glance over them. "I wonder what these hands would of been capable of given a productive and worthy owner."

You began to think of all the things your body could of managed if it were given a proper owner and began to pity your own body for having chosen you as its owner.

"Oh, wait. My body couldn't choose me, I was just forced into it." You laughed miserably. "How unfair for you, body. Maybe you're as upset about this arrangment as I am."

You griped your face in your hands. "I wish I'd just disappear..its not like there's any good that'll come from someone worthless like me staying here. Why did Lucifer have to chose me? He should of chosen someone more capable." You groaned, digging your nails into the sides of your face.

"Hmmm...I don't know. But I think you're thinking too hard about things, y/n."

You shot straight out of your bed. "Belphie..? That was you,...right? Where are you?" You gasped.

"Right here." Belphie waved a hand weakly. He was napping right underneath your bed. No words could describe how creepy that was. "Belphie- what are you doing under there?" You said with a shaky voice.

"Mmm..sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I just needed somewhere to sleep where I wouldn't be disturbed and this place seemed perfect. Its quiet, dark under here, and if I hear any noise at all, its your voice" he hummed.

You mentally facepalmed. "Belphie, I need my privacy, so, you can't stay here." He crawled slowly out from beneath the bed, dragging his cow pillow with him. "Huh, why do you need privacy? You didnt seem very busy.."

You wanted to be angry at Belphie for intruding on your self deprication but found you couldn't. Wouldn't that require thinking about yourself? Wouldn't that be selfish? Besides, he just wanted a nap. Maybe you were being the selfish one here. And he was known for sleeping anywhere whenever he wanted.

You sighed deeply, "okay, Belphie, do whatever you want, I was just being selfish anyways." You lied back down on your bed and faced the wall. You'd just have to think your thoughts in silence it appeared.

Belphie began to laugh lightly. You turned your head to him. "Did I say something funny?" Belphie wiped a tear from his eye, "you're funny, y/n."
You frowned, "I didn't know I told a joke." Belphie sighed, grabbed his cowprint pillow and shoved it into your arms.

"Make room, y/n" Belphie said, ushering you to move over. Reluctantly, you made some room for him in the bed. He lied down now, and turned his head to yours, meeting your eyes. His hair was swept over one violet eye, the other focus on you.

You blushed slightly, instinctually, but then reminded yourself that you were only thinking about yourself and that Belphie didn't like you. Belphie cleared his throat, "ahem, y/n, did you forget I was here when you decided to space out?" He pouted.

Shit. You hadn't meant to space out.
"Sorry.." You mumbled an apology. Belphie shook his head, "its alright, just leave the spacing out to me, okay?" You chuckled and released a sigh. "Mmm? What's wrong?" Belphie asked. "Huh? Oh, it's nothing" you reassured him.

Belphie yawned, "didn't sound like nothing when you were rambling earlier." You winced, "so you heard that, huh?" Belphie looked amused, "only all of it," he chuckled. You wanted to hide yourself in shame and embarassment.

"Sorry you had to hear that" you mumbled out another apology. Belphie frowned, "y/n I'm getting tired of hearing you apologize."
"Sor-" you had to stop yourself halfway. Belphie mused, "that's exactly what I'm talking about. Don't be sorry, it takes too much energy to form an apology anyways."

You stopped and pondered this. "Whatever then.." You mumbled before turning on your side to face away from him. Belphie startled you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"You know, y/n, you think too much about things." You glance over at the demon, "what do you mean?"

"You're plenty capable of things but assume you're not because its easier to pity yourself."

You stilled. You were silent for awhile.

"Ah, I hit the nail on the head, didn't I?" Belphie mused.

"S-shut up. You can stop acting like you know everything about me.." You muttered. "But I heard all your deepest and darkest insecurities just a few minutes ago. Wouldn't that count for knowing something about you?" He smirked.

Anger festered in you. Why did he have to eavesdrop? Why did he have to act like he had you all figured out? Even you didn't have you figured out. And worst of all, why did he have to be right? That stung the most.

"So what am I supposed to do, huh? Just care less? Is that your solution?" You balled your fists. Belphie sighed, "how about start with caring more about what matters? Focusing on the minor details will only depress you and in the grand scheme of things, don't actually matter much."

"For starters," he began, "Does it matter why Lucifer chose you? Its not something you could of infulenced or changed, so why does it matter? Doesn't it matter more that you're competent enough to handle all that's being dished out at you?"

You bit your lip. He was right. In the grand scheme of things, why you were chosen didn't matter. Its how you handled it that did. Belphie yawned. "Doesn't it tire you out focusing on all the miniscule details all the time?"

You contemplated his words. "Yes..," you admitted. "It does..and I'm so tired.." You sighed. Belphie smiled at you. "Lucky for you, I know a thing or two about being tired. So, real quick, let me just be real. Quit focusing on the minor details. They don't matter. And racking your head for impossible answers will only damage you further. So, why not give it a rest?"

You threw back your arms behind your head. Belphie was right, you were exhausting yourself and coudln't keep it up, it would only drag you down further. You released a deep smile and turned your head to look at Belphie.

"Yeah," you smiled, "I think I will." Belphie hummed in response and hooked his arms around your body. "How about we rest right now, then? You did interrupt my nap" he said, closing his eyes with pretend defiance.

You blushed, but didn't put up an opposition. You loved Belphie and nothing would be better right now than resting with the man who had relaxed you.

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