Chapter 20- This woman is my rival

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"Call me Hyung-woo from now on."

My mouth fell agape as I listen to him. How could this guy suddenly demand to call him by his name casually? But on second thought, most of us only call each other by their first name but only those who work at the same level of the position. Like for example, Miss Dianne, people at our department call her that way but bosses from above call her Dianne only. It's the same with how we should treat this person in front of me. We either call him Mr. Baek or Sir Hyung-woo whatever we may prefer to as long as we put honorifics on it as he is our superior.

"It is not possible Sir," I replied in protest.

"Then call me when just the two of us." He insisted as he gave me his dashing smile. Woahhhh! I'm blinded! Where are my sunglasses?

I looked at him unbelieving.

"And your answer...?"

"..." I was not able to speak out my mind. I am not sure how to answer him.

"Don't worry, I will wait until you utter my name with that mouth of yours one day." He said dismissively. I am not sure why it sounded like a challenge on his part but with a touch of seductiveness.

I unconsciously gulped with his declaration. He is making me confuse. Curse him! (ㅠㅠ). What a pain in the neck!

"Aren't you flirting too much with my Alice Mr. Baek?" Miss Dianne abruptly said. I did not notice her come.

"It comes naturally to me with Miss Gue-rim," he replied too brazenly.

I awkwardly laughed at both of them. Maybe I should excuse myself and go back ahead. I am interrupting their time.

"I think I have to go ahead first Miss Dianne, Mr. Baek. Thank you for lunch." I immediately got up and dash towards the door. I did not give them time to reply.


I was about to call her to wait for me, but she already left, leaving me alone with her superior and soon to be my co-worker.

"Oh, that was fast." Dianne slipped back to where she seated and drink the remaining water on her glass. I called the waiter to check out for the bill.

"So, I am curious about you Mr. Baek." she directly said to me. She looked at me in the eyes with intensity like reading by what's on my mind. "How long was it you're interested in my Alice?" giving me a smile that I consider flirtatious.

"My Alice?" I asked lifting an eyebrow which made her laugh suddenly. I looked at her questioningly.

"Hahaha, I did not know that a guy can pull that kind of expression expressively." she continues to laugh. "Sorry, sorry." as she tried to stop laughing on my face.

"Don't get me wrong. There are lots of guys interested in her, but she passed them off with no interest. I wonder if you will suffer the same fate."

"We'll just see." I declared confidently which earned another laugh from her.

"Confident, are we? She is slippery to hold. I am not sure you can win against her or against me." I was a bit surprised but I did not let show it on my face. Pretty sure, I guarded my expression well. She just confirmed my suspicion. This woman is my rival.

I raised the glass to my lips holding her gaze against mine acknowledging her challenge on me. I hid my smirk. The waiter came back with my card and the receipt.

"Shall we?" I asked her as we both stand up. Both our demeanor changed back to being professional. We talked a few things about the company related topic as we go back to the office.   

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