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3rd person pov:

garu was having a quiet lunch at the famous noodle shop where Uncle dumpling, Ho, Linguini, and pucca worked to make their delicious noodles for all to buy.

of course there were other people in the restaurant eating lunch. such as Santa, Abyo, Ching, Ring ring, and others.

pucca was watching garu with loving eyes from the kitchen window until linguini called to her "pucca! two noodles for table 2! for your friends abyo and ching!" pucca smiles and goes to grab their order, this would be her excuse to kiss garu.

garu was silently eating his noodles and reading his favourite book called
'Eric Van Lustbader, The Ninja' thought sometimes he would get distracted by
Ring rings ranting on how perfectly beautiful she was and whatever. garu was getting really tired of her shit, sometimes he would even get headaches just from listening to her.

then the kitchen door opens and out came a girl with two buns in her hair and a red dress with black leggings came out, pucca. she skipped over to garu and stole a kiss on the cheek while giggling, garu made a discussed noise and rubbed the place she kissed him off. she then delivered the order to ching and abyo. "hi pucca!" ching called, pucca smiles and
frolics over to the two.

garu rolled his eyes and continued to read his book, pucca had a huge crush on garu ever since they first made eye contact. garu on the other hand wants nothing to do with her. garu finally finished his food, he paid and left a good tip in the menu. pucca saw this and skipped over to him with a smile and took the menu from him then bowed to him. then skipped away, just as garu was about to stand up the entrance door slammed open. to reveal tobe and his ninjas, "GARU! TODAYS THE DAY THAT I WILL SEEK VENGEANCE!" garu rolls his eyes in annoyance 'not this again' he thinks to himself, then in a swift second he jumps onto the table and brings out his sword. but before he could attack abyo gets in front of garu and shouts "IF YOU WANT TO GET TO MY FRIEND THEN YOUR GONNA HAVE TO GET THROUGH ME!"

abyo then jumps in the air and shouts "HIYYYYYAAAAH!" as he rips off his shirt. a big piece of his shirt lands on garu's face, garu throws the piece on the ground in annoyance. "you get tobe and i'll take the ninjas!" garu nods "i'll help!" ching shouts, then pucca runs out with an angered face "and pucca too!" the other people in the restaurant screamed and all ran towards the kitchen "please one at a time!" the chefs pleaded. "watch the stove!"

"NINJAS ATTACK!" tobe shouts, the ninja's ran towards abyo, ching and pucca. pucca literally threw a ninja out the window, garu looks back at tobe "ill take you down garu" tobe says in a sinister tone, but before tobe made the first move garu jumped off the table and takes a swing at tobe with his sword. but tobe dodged it, tobe brought out his own sword and they started to fight. tobe goes to kick garu's side but he caught his leg and swung him so he flew out the door with a big wham. garu ran after him, at the bottom of the steps tobe landed on his feet then jumped forward with his swords in hands towards garu.

they fight, and dodge for a couple minutes. a couple of tobe's ninjas were thrown out of the window and door. knocked out.

(look i don't know how to write a fight sene don't judge me for this part being crappy)

but then tobe slashed a scratch on garu's cheek, garu maid a painful grunt. tobe suddenly stopped as he realized that he had done, he felt a slight ache in his heart as he looked at the bloody wound on the ninjas face. garu just ignored the pain and moved his cheek from his hand 'this mother fucker' garu thinks to himself. tobe shook the feeling aside and lunges at garu and pushed him to the ground.

the swords aimed at garu's throat, but garu pushed against the swords with his own. they starred angerly in eachothers eyes as they pushed against eachother. both growling.

but for some reason they started to ease down, as they starred in eachothers souls. 'what is happening?' they both think to themselves. tobes eyes travels to the bleeding scar on garu's cheek, then that same acing feeling from earlier came back but stronger.

tobe pulled away and walked backwards scared 'what is he doing??? why isn't he still fighting me???' garu thinks to himself. tobe stood there for a few minutes, with all sound fading around him as he slowly looks at his sword that still had garu's blood from his cheek. "w-what is this feeling?' he mutters to himself, garu cocked an eyebrow.

tobe looks back at the restaurant and sees his ninjas fighting the other three. he then shouted "NINJAS RETREAT!" the ninjas looked back at him confused but obeyed. some were obviously limping, some had bruises and scratches. and just like that they all ran into the woods followed by their leader. however tobe took one last glance back at garu before heading in the forest.

everyone ran out of the restaurant and cheered for garu "YAY GARU!" abyo says. then pucca ran out and hugged him tightly while giggling, abyo and ching ran towards him too. ching gasps "Garu! your bleeding!" pucca looks up in fright. when she sees the slash her face turns red from anger "are you okay garu?" abyo asks. garu nodded his head. pucca brought out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped the blood away.

it stung when she pressed it on his face but garu didn't pay attention to that, because garu was still confused as too why tobe suddenly ran away. "FREE NOODLES FOR EVERYBODY!" the chefs yelled. "everyone cheered again and headed inside "Come on guys!" abyo shouted excitedly. pucca smiles and takes garu's hand, leading him inside.

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