july 6th, july 7th

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I came into the living room to find Will and Woody, trying to calm down Kyle who seemed to be kinda drunk. Suddenly I felt a warm breath in my neck.
"Normally he doesn't act like this" Dan whispered.
"Why does he, now?" I asked and turned around.
"His girlfriend, Janna. He thinks she's cheating on him."
"Oh." I just said. I wasn't the best example to say that trying to drown your problems in alcohol isn't good. But I didn't want Dan to know about my past.

*I really don't want to spread hate about Janna because she seemes to be such a nice lady and she is so damn pretty! But this is a fanFICTION, playing in another universe, lol*

Because of Woody, Will and Kyle on the couch there was no room for me and Dan, so I grabbed a pillow and sat down on the floor.
"I can't believe I'm actually in one room with Bastille. This is..."
"Mental?" Dan asked.
"Yeah, this is mental" I said and we all laughed.

We ended up watching a movie. Kyle got a little sober again so we all sat down on the couch. It was 10 p.m when my eyelids started getting heavier and I slowly drifted to sleep, cuddled up against Dan's shoulder.

I woke up because I heard the door opening. I felt someone sitting down on the bed.
"Chloé?" A soft voice asked. I slowly opened my eyes and looked into Dan's face.
"Good morning!" He said happily.
"Good morning" I said and yawned.
"What time is it?" I asked him.
"12 a.m"
"Oh" I stood up and walked to the window. There was a beautiful view from here.
"Very pretty, isn't it?" Dan asked.
"Yeah, it is."
"Have you ever been in Londen already?"
"No, it's my first time."
"So I guess you want to look around today?"
"Sound's great!"
Dan went to the kitchen and I picked out some clothes. After I got out of the shower I dried my hair and got dressed. I went to the kitchen where Dan had made breakfast and sat down.
"Did you enjoy last night?" Dan asked.
"Yeah, sure! It was amazing meeting the guys!"
"I'm glad you liked it."
"I'm glad that I can be here" I said and Dan blushed.
"Me too."


After a long day of sight seeing I let myself fall on the couch. Dan sat down next to me. Suddenly his phone rang.
"Dan here?
No way!
See you later, mate!"
"Oh fuck." Dan said. "That hoe is going to die"
"Uhh, what happened?" I asked, a little confused.
"Kyle just caught Janna with some other guy. Having sex. In their bed."
"Damn." I said, not really knowing what else I could say.
"Would it bother you if he moved in here?" Dan asked shy.
"What? No! This is your apartment though!" I said.
"I know, I know. But are you fine with it?"
"Of course!" I said. Dan just wanted to say something, but the doorbell interrupted him.
"That was fast" Dan said and went to open the door. He came back with Kyle, who's eyes were bright red. 'That stupid bitch' I said to myself. Kyle sat down next to me. After a minute of silence he began to cry again. I began to strike his back to calm him down.
"Let's get drunk." Dan said.
"Yeah." Kyle replied.
Dan went to the kitchen and came back with nothing.
"I guess I have nothing left. I'll be back in 20 minutes." He said and we heard the door close.
"Do you.. want to talk about it?" I asked Kyle.
"No.. I guess I don't want to. Can we just.. cuddle?" Kyle asked and blushed.
"Uhm, sure."
Kyle laid his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I leaned to his side and laid my head on his shoulder. We stayed like this for a few minutes untill I saw a tear dripping on his shirt. I sat up and wiped his tears away.
"She's not worth crying or being sad about. No girl is worth that. Please remember that."I said and smiled lightly.
"Four fucking years. I just wasted four years of my life." He said.
"Don't say that! Just take a look at where you are now! Look at what you reached! You're playing keyboard in the most amazing band in this world!"
"Aww, thanks. But still."
"Do you know like.. how long this was going?"
"She cheated on me everytime we went on tour.."
"Ouch. You don't deserve that."
"Thank you. But I guess it's better like this." Kyle said and smiled lightly.
"Still, I'm very sorry.."
"You don't have to be. But there's another thing. I bet you know Dan's birthday is next week?"
"Yeah I know, why?"
"We've made a little plan, but we need your help.."

AN: Hi guys :) I hope you like the story so far :) I decided to add this picture because I found it so funny lol :D
I would love to read some comments <3
Have a great day/night!

new city, new chances. (Bastille/Dan Smith/Kyle Simmons/ Will Farquarson/ Chris Wood Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now