july 6th

236 9 2

Chloé's PoV
4:30 a.m

It was a cold, foggy Saturday morning in Glasgow. I was sitting on a bench at the station, nipping my coffee to go. I was tired, but I had to pick a train early in the morning, because no one may know about the fact I was leaving my old life forever. There was nobody here but me. I wrapped my scarf a little thighter around my neck and pulled my beanie up to my eyebrows. The workers at the Mcdonald's must've think I'm crazy, sitting here wrapped up in a knitted scarf and beanie in July, but it was just too cold here. The train to Londen would arrive at 4:47 a.m, so I decided to get another cup of coffee. I grabbed my giant backpack which was filled with clothes and some other stuff and headed up to the small kiosk on the corner.

When I came back, I saw my train arriving. For a short moment I thought of another way to end up my old life, but the suicidial me quickly faded away. I didn't want this to come up again. Not now.

I was in the train for two hours now. I had fallen asleep fast when I finally sat down in the warm, cozy train. I had changed clothes, I was wearing my Bastille shirt, a grey zipper hoodie, black shorts and dark panties now. I had these clothes under the jogger I was wearing this morning. It was almost 7 a.m now and the train was getting fuller. After looking around a bit, reality slowly drifted away, and soon I was fast asleep again.

Daniel's PoV

After I had been at my girlfriend's house for the night, I sat at a trainstation a few minutes away from Londen. It was quit early, but Celin had to go to work, and I didn't want to stay with her stephfather. I saw my train arriving, so I grabbed my bag and got in.

The train was overfilled with people, but I kept looking for a seat. I saw a girl who had laid her skinny legs with dark red Converse on the seat in front of her. I wanted to ask her if I could take the seat, but when I came nearer, I saw she was fast asleep. After a few seconds of hesitating I picked up her legs, sat down and laid them on my lap. She woke up, saw me and looked kinda shocked. I really didn't want to scare her, so I started explaining myself.

Chloé's PoV

I woke up because I felt someone touching my legs. 'Shit, am I getting raped?' I asked myself. I slowly put my eyes open, and as I looked at the man in front of me, I saw no one else but Daniel Smith.
"Holy fuck." I whipered, nearly hearable. Am I dreaming? Surely. Why would Daniel Smith be in this train?
I saw his lips moving, but realized my music was still on full volume, so I quickly put my earphones out, and he immediatly stopped talking. He seemed to realize I couldn't hear him, too.
"Excuse me, what did you say?" I asked.
"Uhm, I'm sorry if I scared you, but the train is overfilled and I wanted to sit down and.." He answered in a beautiful husky voice.
"No, it's okay! You didn't scare me! I'm Chloé by the way."
"Daniel. But call me Dan."
"Maybe it's a weird question, but are you Dan Smith?"
"I am. How do you know me?"
I unzipped my hoodie, and he started giggling awkwardly.
"What's the mather?" I asked, giggling, too.
"I still find it crazy people actually like the sound of my voice." He answered.
"Oh Dan." I laughed, and he laughed, too.

After talking a few minutes, the train stopped in Londen. Dan and I got out, and now we were going to a small cafe as Dan wanted to invite me for breakfast. We went inside and sat down at a table in a corner. We ordered our food and then started talking again.
"So, tell me, what brought you to Londen?" He asked. Outch. I didn't want this question to come.
"Well, it's a long story, but I'll tell you a short version. I did some shit and everyone started to let me hang down. I made everything worse and turned into an emotional wreck. At work I fainted a few times and they sent me to hospital. I got in therapy and yesterday I finally could go home. When I came to the flat I used to share with my friends and boyfriend, everyone was there and they let me know I had one week to find a new place to stay. Later my boyfriend, Alex came to my room to tell me we won't get back togheter. So I grabbed my stuff and just left. And now I am here, sitting in a cafe with a member of my favorite band. "
"Oh shit", Daniel said, and I realized I was crying. He grabbed my hand on the table and stroked the back of it with his thumb.
"Where do you stay now?" He whispered, after a few minutes of silence.
"I really don't know" I answered, looking down at my shoes.

new city, new chances. (Bastille/Dan Smith/Kyle Simmons/ Will Farquarson/ Chris Wood Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora