Chapter one - a new day

Start from the beginning

It showed both of the bullies abusing me. "False news." I say as I thanked the girl for her phone. "Now let's get this over with before I pass out again."

I walked over to the males and beat the shit outta them. I kicked them in the balls three times each. Every time being stronger than the last.

They had blood pouring out their noses and mouths. I hear sirens and then silence as it all fades to black.

End flashback

I blink to my sister snapping her fingers in front of me. I look over to her. "You were unresponsive for like 2 minutes." She furrowed her brows. "Jonas are you even there anymore." She asked. "Yes. Well let's get to school." I say as I grab my keys and open the door.

"Jonas I think mom should drive us." She said as she turned around. "No! I'm fine! We are going to school now!" I shouted as I grabbed her wrist. "J-Jonas. You're hurting me.." I froze and let go. I walked out the door and drove away. "JONAS!" I heard my sister shout. "WAIT!"

In the parking lot

I parked my car and got out. I started walking up to the school doors. I opened the doors and heard whispers, some real and some are just in my head.

'I heard he sent —- and —- to the hospital two days ago.'

'No one wants you here.'

'Why isn't he in the mental ward?'
'You hear them. You don't like it. Do something.'
'Careful you never know when he could snap and kill one of us.'
'Why not shut them up?'
'He's a freak. Don't go near him.'
'Just listen to all those negative comments.'
'The Elders should've banished him.'
'Why didn't the Elders banish you?'
"If I get banished so do you.." I whispered but unfortunately the groups of girls heard me. They all squeaked and left.

I finally make it to class only for my teacher to spring a pop quiz on us that we 'should've studied for.'

'You're gonna fail.' That stupid voice said again. 'Who're you?' I ask it as I get handed the test. 'Patient Zero.' I sighed.

I wrote my name on the test and began writing. It didn't take me long before I finished the test. 'Thirty minutes.' I thought.

I handed my test to the teacher and asked to go to the bathroom. "Sure. Don't be long." He said as I took a hall pass slip.

I pushed open the classroom door and walked towards the boys' bathroom. I checked all stalls and no one was there. "Good," I said as I went to the biggest stall and sat down on the toilet lid, locking the door behind me. I closed my eyes and laid my head ba

"What do you want 'Patient Zero'?" I questioned the voice. "Nothing much really." He responded as though he were right there in that stall with me.
I opened my eyes and turned my head. A male, taller with dark brown hair and hazel eyes was standing there.

"JeSuS!" I flinched. "Who the hell are you?" I asked. He smirked. "Patient Zero." He answered. "But- you- me——— what?? @~@." I was so confused. "What the hell?" I said. "Let me explain," he started. "Please do." I said.

"I'm am not here physically as I am a voice in your head. Your brain just gave you an illusion have how I would look like if I were real. Only you can see me." He laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, no." I said. "In order for me to be a general nuicense to you, I gotta tease you on who you like. Soooo which lucky girl is it?" He chuckled. "I'm not telling you. And you're in my head, shouldn't you know already?" I sighed. "C'mon! You must like some girl at this hell hole! What about Fiona? I know she likes you~. And she's hot! C'mon?" He pushed, completely dodging the question. "Nope. Fiona is only a friend." I say as I close my eyes. "What about Madiline? She's smart." He kept on pushing. "No."

"Josie? Rebecca? Erika? Kate? Veronica? Elizabeth? Amy?"


"So not into girls... what about guys?" He pondered. I stayed silent. "Cool! We're getting somewhere!" I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Lesley?" He asked. I had enough. It doesn't matter if I have a stupid 'Crush' They're cringe anyway. I definitely don't need to kiss some crush in order for me to feel better about myself or to keep me company! isn't that what pets are for? "No! Can you just stop naming people! You're not gonna find out who I like! You should already know since you're living in my head!" He stopped then smiled. "Just one more guess then I'll stop." He pleaded. "Fine," I said. "Hmm let's see... what about...that Asher kid?" I froze. I opened my eyes to see his smug face. I wish I hadn't because when I did I felt my face heat up.

"It may or may not be him. But he's my best friend so it'll be weird if I just confess to him out of the blue. Espeially since we've been friends since basically birth."

"I have to go to class. I got 15 minutes left." I said as I stood up off the toilet top and opened my stall door. I washed my hands and looked in the mirror. 'Patient Zero', whom I'm choosing to call Rei (Zero in Japanese), was nowhere to be found. I didn't hear him or see him. It was just me myself and I.

I turned to leave but that's when I saw Asher standing there with a red face. 'He must've heard my conversation with..well myself!' 

"H-Hey Asher! Late, as usual, I see.." I tried to lose the tension but I only made it worse. "Who were you talking to?" He asked me. 'Crap. He overheard.' I was flustered trying to think of someone or something to say. "D-Uh,...No one! My mum!" I stuttered. He clearly didn't buy that. "Your...Mum?" He questioned. "Yea! On the phone! My phone!" I said, clearly bad at lying. "So, what's this about  confessing to me out of the blue?" He asked me. I plugged my ears and sang twinkle twinkle little star as I rushed out of the bathroom with a red face.

Jeez. I'm not ready for the confession part yet! That's supposed to be later you little shit!

That was the first chapter of the rewritten story! If you couldn't tell I got lazy towards the end but still I hope you enjoyed!

Thanks! Peace out biotchhhh


Jasher - rewritten - the Giver - Jonas x Asher {SLOW UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now