Campus - suffocate pt 2

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The two boys hugged, the put their foreheads together, They looked into the eyes of each other. "I wish I could stay." Asher sang as they separated themselves, their faces slightly red. "I wish I could stay, but I need some space and you're in the way." Jonas wasn't sure of why it hurt so much, hearing Asher, his best friend, saying this to him. "Can you see me?" Jonas reached out but hesitantly, he pulled back. "I'm dancing on my own," Asher turned and faced opposite of Jonas's direction. "Can you hear me? I'm crying out for help." Jonas added. "Is it ignorance?" Asher asked. "Or Selfishness..." Jonas responded in a sad tone. "You said, stay here. But I'm running out of air. I hope you know, as I wait, I suffocate." Asher said as we left the stage, quickly getting ready for our next scene.


"You...You like me?" Jonas questioned. 'why would anyone, let alone Asher, like me? What's happens if the school, no- my family - found out?' Jonas started panicking.  Asher saw this and grabbed Jonas by his face. "You need to calm down, okay?" He said. "come here, let's move away from the curtain." The two males don't go on for a while so they went backstage. 

"Jonas, I know you're thinking of what others would think and say about it. And that's fine, but just know, if they say anything negative, then they aren't really your friends or family are they?" Jonas knew he was right, but he was raised to always be the perfect boy. His father was always strict about him getting good grades, having the perfect girlfriend, having a 401k-- or whatever that is-- and just having a perfect life. 

When he learned Jonas got into a fight, he lashed out. He went on a tangent. Jonas remembered how bad it got, things were being thrown and Jonas was terrified to go downstairs for dinner AND breakfast for the next few days. Jonas's father always showed up to, capital F, capital D, Family Dinner. The same goes for breakfast.

If his dad knew about this, then, Jonas feared, that he would either be on the streets, dead or alive. He loved his family dearly, especially little Gabriel as well as his grandfather, the Giver. (Jonas was never told his actual name, so he calls him 'the Giver' because he always gives something to Jonas. Whether it be advice or presents.) If he were to disappear, he knew that they would feel very upset, and given their age, that wouldn't be good for their health.

"Jonas, just breathe okay?" Asher started worrying as Jonas collapsed to the floor, breathing sped up and shaky. Asher pulled out his phone and called Jonas's mum. He knew she was in the crowd and would know exactly what to do. 

*10 minutes later*

"Thanks for calling me Asher, I got this." Jonas's mum, Rachel  {I'm pretty sure that's her canon name-} said.  Rachel held Jonas close to where her heart is. "Riesci a sentirlo? Il Mio Cuore? [Can you hear it? My heart?]" She asked the shaking boy. "S-Sì..." Jonas said in a cracking voice.

 Asher didn't know what they were saying, but he felt his heartbreaking. He didn't want Jonas to be like that. It doesn't matter him Jonas like him or not, Asher swore to himself that he would try his best to make Jonas happy. No matter what.

"Buono. Puoi contare il bpm? [Good. Can you count the bpm?]" She asked once more as she pulled out her phone and put the timer for 60 seconds. Jonas started counting once she pressed 'start'. "---75, 76, 77," The timer on the phone went off. "How many is that Jonas?" Rachel asked her son. "77bpm.." He responded. "Is that less than last time?" She asked. Jonas only nodded. "Only by 3.." He added. 

"Are you okay Jonas?" Asher asked, breaking the silence between Jonas and his mother. Jonas looked up at Asher, then looked back down. He broke from his mother's arms and hugged Asher. "thank you," he whispered to the Spanish male. 

Jasher - rewritten - the Giver - Jonas x Asher {SLOW UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now