Chapter three - Love like you

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Don't play song yet.

We were finally here. We reached the cabin. I should feel happy, but I don't. Something doesn't feel right. No one is here like the Giver said. When we reached the cabin I was in and out of it. I saw the fresh food on the table but no sign of life other than me on Asher's back, Asher, and Gabriel on Asher's front.

If no one was here, who made this food? Things aren't adding up.

The day of the play


"Jonas!" A female was snapping in front of my face. I grab her wrist and she stops. I let go and she continued. "Are you okay? I've been calling your name for about three minutes now.

"Sorry, Fiona. I was daydreaming." Well hurry up and finish your up next in two minutes." She yipped. "Eh. Whatever I'm going." I said as I yawned. She huffed and went to her little dress up mirror.

I waited for my cue.

"I'm gonna ask Jasper (Jonas) to join us!" Asher said as he walked to where I was standing. A groan was heard from the other actors. He pretended to knock as a knocking sound effect was played. "Jasper, would you like to join us for our adventure somewhere?" He asked as he held his hand out.

"I hope it isn't a bother to your friends, Gabriel (Asher)." I said as I took his hand and stepped forward. A few cheers were heard from the crowd as I stepped out. Probably from when I sang before. "They were once your friends too, my dear." I blushed. What the heck is wrong with me?! He's just acting...right?

"But-!" I couldn't finish before he pulled me closer. A few fan girls were heard in the audience. As well as my mum and sister shouting, "Yeah Jonas!" Jeez. Embarrassed was an understatement. "Oh c'mon! I'm sure they wouldn't mind me bringing someone special to me." He whispered but thanks to the mic, it was heard throughout the theatre.

"I guess it wouldn't be that bad." I said as I pushed myself off of him, still grasping his hand firmly though. "I knew you'd want to come along!"

We caught up to his group of friends as we walked. But once we reached them, Asher let go of my hand. They walked in place as I pretended to fall behind.
Play song now.
The piano started playing as my smile fades. "If I could, begin to be half of what you think of me," I started. A couple of 'awws' were heard from the audience. "I could do about anything. I could even learn how to love." At this point everyone on stage began to pretend like they had fallen back. "When I see the way you act, wondering when I'm coming back," I looked back at where I entered from. And looked back. "I could do about anything. I could even learn how to love, like you." I say as they all walk off stage. I stand there faking tears in my eyes. As I'm alone on stage for a second. "Love like you..." I say as I turned back to my entry point.

"Jasper? What's wrong?" Asher asked me as the audience saw that he left to come check on me. "I always thought, I may be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true. Cause I think you're so good and I'm nothing like you."

I pointed to the friends who also came back. "Look at you go! I just adore you. I wish that I knew, what makes you think I'm  so special." He began to bring me back to the group but as soon as we were one foot away I pulled back. "If I could begin to do, something that does right by you, I would do about everything I would even learn how to love." I say as he hugs me.

"Jasper. You don't have to feel this way. I can walk you home and stay there with you if you want." He suggested. I looked at his friends that looked pissed. They're just acting of course. I hope.

"No. You can stay with your friends. I'll go by myself." I say as the friends bud in. "Clock is ticking Gabriel! If he doesn't wanna go then he can stay his evil butt home." One of them shouted.

"I'll be back soon. Okay?" He said to me as he held my hand. I just nodded as they left the stage.

"When I see the way you look, shaken by how long it took....I could do about anything. I could even learn how to love like you." I said as tears dropped from my eyes and I walked almost off stage before saying it again as I looked back. "Love like you.." I faced forward at the ground. "Love me like you.." I walked off stage and everyone cheered. The next scene started to play out.

"Why do you hang around him anyways?" An actor asked Asher. "That's non of your business." He defended. They were supposed to be walking along a dirt road on this scene.

"He's nothing compared to us, right?" Fiona said as she elbowed another. "Yeah. He could totally try and kill us again. We already lost Eric. No one else needs to die cause your too close with him." One agreed.

"I've known him longer than you guys. And I think you've forgotten that he was once your friend too." Asher said with rage in his tone.

"Yeah. I can't believe it. That freak was once our friend." A girl badmouthed. "Well if he's a freak then so am I." He stopped walking.

They all paused. "Gabe, come on stop defending the moron. There's no point." An actor pointed out. Even though this is all apart of the script, its kinda close to home.

"C'mon it's like you like him or something." Fiona said. Everyone was quiet. "You don't like him do you?" An actor asked. He walked towards Asher and he took a step back. "No I don't." Asher said as he took a step forward, standing his ground. The actor sighed. "That's a relief. I thought for a moment I'd-"  Asher pushed him back as the actor stumbled into the others.

"No. I don't like him. Because I love him." He spat as he turned away and walked towards me. It was off stage and right as the other actors were looking (he made sure they were looking), he kissed me!

"Ah!" I said, shocked by the action that just happened. The actors on stage were surprised. So surprised they didn't even finish their lines that they were in the middle of.

The audience was confused about why they stopped so suddenly. Until someone front row right said shouted, "THEY KISSED!" Everyone was freaking out in different ways. Some were laughing nervously, some just left their mouth open and others screaming no, screeching with excitement.

He let me go and stared at me. I looked at him dumbfounded. I covered my face as I freaked out about what just happened.

Asher just laughed. 

Jasher - rewritten - the Giver - Jonas x Asher {SLOW UPDATES}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя