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Taehee couldn't believe it.

As she stormed out from the church,leaving that faded white building behind her,she wore her coat and hugged it at her body. She was still furious at they boy yelling at him,when she hadn't done anything . She wasn't even crying,not even close to mumbling some prayer. All she did was looking at the sculpture hanging infront her,asking why her life was like this.

But what the boy said to her was true.

She hated her mother,and she had planned what would she be doing when she finally get to leave her. Getting a stable job, buying a big house, going to the most expensive cruise  and would never returned home.

Along with some other harsh words she kept in for the other three devilish kid in the house that seems to always got on her nerves,but she could never touched them when her mother was around. She couldn't even yelled at them,and ended up cleaning the mess those kids have done.

"I was saying those words in my mind, how on earth he could hear those?  Even accusing me saying it out loud.  We were too far and even if I said it loud he couldn't even heard it!"

Now she was ranting out loud at the streets,some eyes were on her but she seems to not noticed. Turning to a lane,she suddenly got dreadful to go back home. Her mother would be there,talking with her father,her kids playing like usual, like an usual happy family but it wasn't.

She would straight went upstairs,shower for almost an hour and went down back just to get ordered by her mother to do some works with their maid and ended up sitting at the kitchen , doing nothing but to stare.

Then she would went to her room back when she think her mother was too distracted with her works,and also when her kids were calmly playing with each other.

She hated her life,yet she has bee living like this for the past 14 years living with her. It seems her mother temper got even more worse as she get older,even changing her ways on calling them with something more harsh as if she and her sister, Soojin  were some kind of maid . Soojin just entered middle school,but she had got more worsed that Taehee had.

Her sister always got yelled,slapped and grounded . Soojin wasnt good at her studies,and her mother hated it. Taehee went to a boarding school,so she never fully experienced those abused or what her mother called 'parental teaching' ,but Soojin did. She was under her mother full watch,and Taehee knew something worse is going to happened if that Soojin lose her temper.

But for now,Soojin did take a good care of her emotions,and so did she.

When she opened the door,she let out a soft 'im home' and no even her parents looked at her. Her father was too busy looking at her phone,her mother eyes locked at the big screen or the television and her maid, or she could say her best companion in this house was looking at the her younger siblings playing.

She let out a soft smile,and Taehee returned it,but it died as soon she heard her mother cold tone.

"You don't have any manners already? Entering the house without giving a greeting and-"

"I did"

But her voice wasnt firm,it was as if she was desperate to make her mother believe her. She hated how weak she is now in front of the woman, but she need to. The only way to survive her mother anger towards her.

Her mother shot a glare and her eyes locked back to the screen. Taehee glanced at her father,and she could see how her father furrowed his eyebrow at both her and his wife ,but then looked back at her phone.

She hated that.

When she was younger,she thought that her father would help her to get away from her mother rage. Her mother temper wasn't as bad as now,but it still scares her. Then she went to middle school,her mother got her first child from her own womb and thing got more worse. She get easily angry at simple things,she slapped both Soojin and Taehee,but her sister was the worse.

Those bruise were too obvious,but she never show it. Taehee pity her,but she couldn't say anything.

Her maid had seen before, how crazy her mother can get when punishing her sister,how blue the bruises was and she told Taehee everything.

But her dad,never did anything.

He once did,but let save those for later.

Taehee draggd her feet to her room, Soojin was at her own room, probably studying or sleeping she don't know.

Again she hoped,she will get away from her mother as fast as she can.

Voices // m.y.gWhere stories live. Discover now