I began to aggressively clean every window in this house that I could find, staying away from closed rooms, unsure if I was allowed to enter. It took me 1 hour to finish the one job thankfully. 

But when I got down on my knees and began to scrub the baseboards, I could feel my eyes beginning to drop and my mind slowing down. 

"Ugh, I need to stop pulling all nighters for homework" I said, placing down the cleaning supplies. I sat down where I was and leaned against the wall. 

"They should of just sent me to jail," I muttered sleepily, resting my head back. "I wouldn't have to worry about school and I'd be able to sleep more." Shifting into a comfortable position, I let my eyes wander the room tiredly. 

"I just need...one break," I trailed off, letting my eyes close. No sooner did I escape reality and fall into sleep.

I could feel something warm on my face as soon as I regained my consciousness, but I didn't open my eyes right away.

I was still tired. However, while sitting in my spot on the cold marble I quickly noticed a small sound. It sounded like breathing. I opened one eye just a bit to see what I was hearing.

When I opened my right eye, I was met with Jungkook's face in front of mine.

I let out a loud shriek and tried to back up, but was unsuccessful.

"Geez, calm down," he said, annoyed. "I was checking if you were asleep." He stood up and looked down at me. "Get up, you're obviously not done cleaning."

"What, oh yeah," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. Gosh, this jerk just can't leave me alone can he. 

Wait, when the heck did he get back?

I instantly stood up and looked around. "Are your parents back? When did you get here?" I asked suspiciously. 

"No, just me. And it doesn't matter when I got back," he responded, turning his back. "I need you to go take my suitcases upstairs," he called to as he started to walk away.

"Wait, what," I asked. "Hey! I am not your servant!" I yelled at him. "I'm only here to clean." 

I gritted my teeth at the thought. 

"Yes, you are here to clean," He said, stopping.

 "Which means that you are currently my maid, Hm? That means you also have to do anything I ask you to do," he turned around and met my eyes with a smirk. 


 I stood there frozen.

"My bags are by the door," He simply said and continued his way down the hall. 

"Maid? You're kidding," I whispered to myself. I had to do anything he said? There's no way I'd listen to this guy.

"I do not have to listen to you!" I shouted at him defiantly. He swiftly turned around and looked at me, unamused. 

"Then I just might as well call the cops on you and told them what you did that night."

oh man. That was a good point.


I couldn't find anything to say. He was right, technically he could call the cops and send me to jail. I let out an angry puff of air. This is blackmail.

"Where is your room," I asked through gritted teeth, narrowing my eyes at him. I guess I'd just have to listen to him right now.

"Upstairs, all the way down the left hallway. It should be a closed door. My suitcase is by the front door," he stated, and walked to the kitchen.

I let out a tiny groan as I made my way to the front door in search of this suitcase. This is madness, turning me into his slave? following his orders? I couldn't believe this man. 

I quickly spotted his luggage and grabbed it, wheeling it to the stairs and hauled it up the steps slowly. 

"Aish, what the heck did he bring with him.Bricks?" I complained once I reached upstairs, pulling it to his room. 

Once I reach the door, I stopped. Did he want me bringing these in? Did he specify?

I shook my head. Nope, he did not. In that case, I will leave them in front of the door. 

Thinking about walking into Jungkooks bedroom felt...weird. So I decided not to. 

I also decided that I wasn't going to finish cleaning the baseboards. A little welcome back present for him. 

I walked hurriedly downstairs and found my way to the door so I wouldn't have to see him again, just leaving when he was hopefully busy . Before I left, however, I heard something come up behind me. 

"What-" I turned around and almost ran into Jungkook's chest. 

"Yah! You scared me," I grumbled, slightly embarrassed. "What do you want?"

"Finished already? tsk, how lame," He said, clicking his tongue. "Are you sure you don't want to stay longer?" He put his hand up on the wall next to me. There was a devilish glint in his eyes.

"Uh, no thank you," I said, slightly nervous, and hurriedly walked out the door before he could say anything else.

"I hope to see you here tomorrow," I heard him say before I reached the gate.

"Yeesh, creepy," I whispered as I walked home. 

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