【Chapter 13】

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My eyes were burning with lack of sleep as I finished my last page of homework, my hands cramping up and my head beginning to slightly spin. 

"Ugh, what time is it," I groaned, turning my head to the clock. 6:20 am. 

I stared at it, my jaw slack. I just pulled an all-nighter? wonderful, I'm going to be a walking zombie at school today.

I let out a huff but resentfully stood up from my sitting position, dragging myself to my bathroom to get ready. 

I brushed my hair, covered up my few dark spots, and applied lip gloss to quickly finish off my time in the bathroom, hurrying through my normal routine. I stumbled back into my room and threw on my school uniform that were strewn across the floor and made my way down the stairs. I quickly made myself some oatmeal, gobbled it down, and silently said goodbye to my parents who were already gone to their jobs. grabbing the house key and my schoolbag, I opened and closed the front door and made my way to school unhurriedly this time.


The school day was quite uneventful this time around, the only eventful thing in the day was the realization that Jungkook wasn't there at all. In the few classes we shared, he never showed. I had come to the conclusion that he must be out of town or something. Hopefully he wasn't coming back anytime time soon, it was a little more peaceful with him gone. 

sorry buster, it's the truth.

The six grueling hours of school finally passed and allowed the kids go home with the usual bing of the bell. Grabbing my papers and bag, I made my way home sluggishly, remembering one thing; that I had t go clean Jungkook's house. 

I let out a huff of air as I rubbed my eyes tiredly. I need to get my sleep schedule in check before my body decides to just passing out. That or I quite school. I was okay with both. 

I was barely able to keep my eyes open throughout the whole day, repeatedly having to pinch my arm to keep myself awake. I looked down at my arms. They were covered in small red marks from my nails, almost looking like hives. 

"Aish," I grumbled, shifting my schoolbag on my shoulder as I kept walking. When I reached an intersection, instead of going my usual route home, I took a different way. But not to my house, someone elses. 

I soon arrived to the familiar white mansion and furrowed my brows in slight annoyance. No more going home and binge watching tv, but coming here and cleaning for hours straight.

straightening my back, I walking through the still open gate and reached the door swiftly, pulling it open and walking in. Looking over to the table with the note from yesterday, I quickly spotted a new note beside. 

"Huh, I guess someone was here recently," I murmured, grabbing it and reading it over quickly. 

chores for today



"You're kidding," I said in dismay, scanning the house. Baseboards and windows seem to line every wall, going on forever. 

I let out a whine and gritted my teeth. Boy was my back going to hurt tonight. I reluctantly grabbed the cleaning supplies and suppressed a yawn.

"Ah, get it together Seo-Yun," I whispered yelled at myself, giving myself a light slap across the cheek. I just need to get this over and then I can go home. 

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