12th Birthday Party

Start from the beginning

Stepping from behind one of the larger trees she was met with a dilemma. There right next to the river, sitting in the same place she had sat last time she was here was Prince Kieran. She would have tried to sneak away if not for the fact he was gaping at her with open-mouthed shock.

"Hi." One word seemed to be all he could muster as he too seemed to want to run.

Blanking her face Morgianna curtsied. "I greet Your Highness, Prince Caspian. I was not aware that someone would be here, but as you arrived first I will take my leave."

She was ready to flee but was stopped once again by one word. "Wait!" He practically screamed it at her as he scrambled to his feet.

Both were now standing a couple of meters between them. She could see that he was uncomfortable, but could not figure out why he would want her to stay when clearly she was the reason why.

"Your Highness, it is almost time for the party. I will leave first."

This time she made it almost back to the trees before he spoke again. "Be careful, there are dangers that lurk in these woods."

He had meant it to mean his father's men who were "given" as guards to protect him tonight. Unknown to him in Morgianna's mind she could not help but agree, believing the danger was him.

Instead of feeling relaxed she felt even more on edge. The party had not even started and a capture target had already arrived.

Once she had arrived back in her room she rushed to put her dress back on, knowing that any minute a brigade of maids would arrive to make sure she was still presentable. After all her mother would hate it if Morgianna "messed" up her chances to snag one of the Princes.

Nobody but her guards could or would ever know why she tried to distance herself. It was safer that way for everyone. If her parents knew they would refuse the offers of her hand in marriage, and probably start some disagreements between the Kingdoms. If the other guards and maids knew they would act weird around them and probably by showing disrespect also cause problems with the other countries. That is to say that any of them actually believed her. She had long decided to walk this path alone, and to have Fafnir and the others by her side was more than she ever could have hoped for.

As if on cue, the moment her dress looked as presentable as she could get it by herself, the door was thrown open. Not even a knock before at least 10 women filed into her room to once again begin making her the best she could be. Many were disgruntled at the fact that the dress seemed to be creased in some places while others fussed over the lace in the back not being as tight as she remembered tying it.

Overall of their heads she caught Sophia's eyes and was surprised at the small smile playing on her face. Sophia reached up and touched her own hair as if trying to tell Morgianna something an then looked away so that she could buy herself with the papers that were in her hand.

As if self consciously Morgianna reached up and was surprised when her hand met something small and soft that did not match the other hard pins that adorned her hair. Puling the item from her hair she was surprised to see a small red leaf, the size, and color making it almost blend into its surroundings.

Once again Morgianna was impressed with how perceptive her head maid was. She held the leaf in her closed hand thinking of her trip to the forest, he would be there again tonight and she may even have to speak to him again. She crushed the leaf, breaking it into even smaller pieces and let them rain down on the floor. Plastering a smile on her face she pretended that all was well in the world, deciding that no matter what happened tonight she would not let it ruin her night.


It was time.

There she stood in front of the door leading to her Birthday party but felt frozen knowing who was or will be on the other side. The guard that stood at the door was giving her a weird look but did not rush her to enter as if he too felt the weight that was on her shoulders just by looking at her eyes.

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