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Time passed for the Avengers as they were stuck in a Tokyo in another universe. Tony and Banner did try to find a way home. They tried for about four months, failed every time. The machines they built that they were hoping would take them home would either explode, not work or just worked for different purposes. Now Aizawa was stuck with two larger than nessary coffee makers, a hot tub and new, oversized microwave.

Tony straightened his tie. It was not only the day that he would be watching students try and get into U.A, it was also the day he was going to see possible students that he was going to watch over. He had to admit that he was going to enjoy seeing students in battle, fight off robots, and see what it was like to watch people fight robots instead of being the on who does the fighting.

"Enjoy the event." Aizawa said in his usual miserable voice. Tony looked over at Aizawa. "Thanks Aizawa. I'm actually surprised that of all people you could ask, you asked me to take care of your class. I'm flattered." Tony said and looked back in the mirror.

"I'm glad that you are, but don't be. I don't know that many people." Aizawa said. "Well Aizawa, there's a thing called going out. I recommend that you try it sometime." Tony said. "Aizawa going out? Ya, he'll do that, when hell gets a snowstorm." Tony thought to himself. He couldn't help but giggle at what he had said.

"Aizawa wouldn't relax, even if his life was depending on it." Tony said to himself as he walked out the door and went to where he needed to go.

"So I don't need to wear my costume ?" Peter asked Shino as he looked at he usually red and blue jumpsuit. "Not really. You really don't have to wear it. But it's optional." Shino said. When she first tried the entrance exam years ago, training outfit's were already provided for everyone. She wasn't sure of the entrance exam was still doing that or not.

"Ok then. I probably shouldn't ruin this if I do get into U.A." Peter said as he put his costume away.

A few months ago, Tony had invited Peter and Steve to tour U.A. "Wow. It's like I've died and gone to heaven. Only they figured out that it wasn't my time yet so they sent me to a hero school." Tony said amazed at the school. Tony figured that Peter could learn a thing or two about hero work at this place, plus he needed a license to fight crime, despite how stupid it was to need a license to fight crime. With Peters skill set, experience, and powers, he was offered to go in without the entrance exam. But Peter wanted to get in the fair way, much to Tony, Shino, and Steve's joy.

Peter had also been training with the Pussycats and Water hoses for the upcoming event. He would have trained with Tony, but Tony was busy taking a 28 hour training course to get temporarily certified as a U.A teacher. The first couple of fights ended up with Peter getting watered down, smashed by stone, or just trampled by on of the Pussycats. "I've fought against a guy made out of sand, a man with vampire powers, a Russian hunter, a guy with the strength of a rhino, a Michael Keaton look a like with metal wings, and a crazy magician with realistic illusions! So why can't I fight 3 cute and hot girls in cat costume's and a couple that look like their getting ready to go scuba diving in the Atlantic!" Peter thought to himself after he lost his third battle with them.

Loki would often stop by every battle to drop of water or a cup of tea. Peter wasn't really sure what to think of this Loki. He wasn't even sure if this was the Loki of his earth, or if this works just so happened to have its own version of Loki. Whoever he is or wherever he came from, he sure was nice. He was a great cook, supportive, nice, helps around the house with no question's asked. However, Thor still didn't trust this Loki.

If there was one thing Thor knew about his adopted brother, it was that he always had a trick up his sleeve. If this Loki was holding a trick up his sleeve than he was surly taking his sweet time to show it.

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