Teaching a new generation/Aizawa's unfortunate predicament PT 2.

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Steve brought the students into the training room. To be perfectly honest it really didn't look much like a training room. It was just a big metal room with absolutely nothing in it.

"Alright. For our first day of class, I wanna do a little one on one fight with each of you. Will learn your strengths and weaknesses. Doing this, we will learn everything you need to improve on and work on." Steve said as he got out his shield. Scott and Rhodey sat back as they were getting ready to watch the fight begin.

"Since Bakugo thinks that he provides a big game, he'll be our first volunteer. He'll fight against me." Steve said.

Bakugo smirked at this. He didn't think that there was any way that a guy with a shield was gonna beat him.

Izuku looked at Steve as if he was a crazy. Bakugo's quirk allows him to produce powerful explosions. He does this by sweating a nitroglycerin-like substance from his skin which he can then detonate at will. He didn't even know if Steve had a quirk or not. So the fact that Steve was willing to fight Bakugo was like a rat wanting to mess with a crocodile.

Steve stood at the center of the room. Scott, Rhodey, Tony, and the students stood back.

"Alright kid. I'm ready. You have my permission to come at me." Steve said. Bakugo didn't even wait for Steve to finish talking before he used his quirk to fire himself right at Steve. Bakugo smirked as he raised his left fist to punch Steve. His hand soon started to spark and ignite into fire.

The moment Bakugo was about to strike down Steve, he quickly raised his shield in defense. Bright orange fire quickly lit up the room. Everyone shielded their faces and eyes at the blast.

Once the smoke cleared, everyone saw that Steve had blocked the attack with his shield. Bakugo looked dumbfounded as he saw how Steve blocked the attack.

Steve then sideswiped Bakugo, grabbed him and body slammed him.

"W-what the hell was that?" Bakugo asked in disbelief. He looked up at Captain America in shock.

"You ran in without a second thought. You didn't take any time to observe and take note on your fighter." Steve said as he helped Bakugo up, but Bakugo smacked his hand away and got up on his own.

"You need to pay attention to your enemy when in combat. If you just charge in, it'll give away your attack." Steve said.

"Now, let's try that again." Steve said as he got back into a fighting position. Bakugo growled and went to land another punch. However, the super soldier was a step ahead of him. Steve dodged the punch and struck Bakugo across the face. Bakugo stumbled back. He yelled in frustration.

"Die!!!" Bakugo screamed as he got ready to land a heavy explosion on Steve. An explosion of fire burst from his hand. Steve dodged the explosion by moving out of the way. But he still got a few small hits from the explosion. He elbowed Bakugo in the stomach and head butted him.

"Kid, if I had a nickel every time a villain told me to die, I'd be as rich as Stark." Steve said as he tried to help Bakugo up, but Bakugo knocked his hand away. He walked away. Captain America looked back at his class.

"Now class, listen close. When it comes to fighting, you need to pay close attention to your opponent. Don't land the first punch. When they throw the first punch, grab their punching arm, and strike them in the face. Turn their own attack into your advantage." Steve said to the class.

"You. I want you up here next." Steve said as he turned to face Tenya. Tenya gasped in surprise.
But he still walked up. He was determined to make a good impression on his new teacher, and he charged at Captain America with all his might.

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