A new begining

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(I feel like this is the perfect into to the story. By the way, best Avengers show!!!!🤩🤩🤩.)

Tony's eyesight was more than a bit fuzzy but very temporary as he slowly woke up. To say that Tony's mind felt foggy would be a understatement. He felt like that he just gotten a hangover and been hit by a ton of bricks. Tony rubbed his eyes gently and sat up. He slowly looked around the area and got a clear view of the room that not only he was in, but also his teammates. The room they where in was a hospital room. Tony was at first confused on why they were there but after a few minutes he remembered exactly what had happened.

"That giant woman flicked me". Tony said and looked down at his chest and stomach. His armor absorbed most of the impact but that doesn't mean he got off clear. His chest and stomach still had bruises and it felt like something was broken. He tried to get up but pain then hit him like a fright train so he just laid back down.

"Oh god, oh god, bad idea. Very bad idea". Tony said in pain as he covered his chest. He heard a groan right next to him and saw Peter waking up. Peter had a couple of bruises on him and even had a bandage on his nose.

"Wow, Mr Stark I had the most insane dream. You were in it. Cap was in it. Thor was in it. Bruce was in it. Scott was in it and Rhodey was in it. We were fighting a bunch of villains and somehow got into Tokyo and then we fought a bunch of super powered people. I fought a man and woman who were like Hydro Man but weren't like him at the same time. Banner and Rhodey fought two guys. One looked like a Human Torch rip off and another looked like Angel but with a more rock and roll look. Then we got knocked out by a woman in a very miss leading outfit" Peter said quickly and without stopping. Not even stopping to take a breath so at the moment he did stop he immediately took a breath of fresh air. Once Peter caught his breath and looked around the room his eyes widened and his mouth dropped as he started to realize that was less of a dream and more reality.

"Um,....ya kid I don't know how to tell this but.....that wasn't a dream and you missed the part where we had our asses kicked in the end". Tony said looking at Peter and then looked around the room to see if anyone was waking up. Sure enough, everyone was starting to wake up. Rhodey had a look of surprise on his face and had a bandage wrapped around the top of his forehead and around his chest. Thor had bandages on his head and a ice pack on his head as well.

"What the hell happened to us?" Scott asked as he woke up a bit dazed and confused. Rhodey looked over a Scott.

"We had our asses handed over to us by what looked like a bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D rejects. I never even heard of All Might before until today." Rhodey said rubbing the back of his head gently. "Ugh my head is killing me."

"Well you were attacked by fire guy and bird boy so I can't say I'm surprised". Tony said. Tony looked over to the corner to see Steve. Steve had gotten up and walked over to look out the window.

Steve looked outside and down to the city below them. The city's lights glowed in the darkness. Lights from building's, billboards, cars, street lamps or people on phones. Steve looked around amazed at all the sights he saw looking out that window.

"The city's amazing from up here". Steve said as he looked out the window. Thor looked over at Steve and noticed that he didn't have his shield. He then looked at Steve's bed, no shield. He then looked around the room and noticed that they didn't have their weapon's with them. No armor, no helmets, no web shooters, no shield and no hammer. But before Thor could do anyone or say anything about it the hospital door opened and out came a human like animal the size of a five year old. The animal part of the person was something like a polar bear or a mouse. Tony thought they looked something like a build a bear. The little animal person then spoke to them.

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