03 | taehyung

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I felt my cheeks flush, and so instead of looking her in the eye, I looked down at my desk, nodding curtly.

"You're kind of shy, aren't you?" She inquired cutely, her chin in her hand.

I remember turning to her and looking off to the side as to not make eye contact. Shrugging, I let out a quiet, "I guess."

She only chuckled, but then—she surprised me once more.

Grabbing my hand in hers, she raised it up a bit, that small smile still playing on her lips. "Let's be friends from now on," Then, she grinned widely. "'Kay?"

In shock, all I could manage was a small nod. At first, I found her kind of overbearing. But by the time our first year was over, she and I had become close friends.

In our second year of junior high school, we met and befriended Hoseok and Chunhei. Hoseok was loud and energetic, Chunhei was hyper and outgoing, and together they were the most annoying duo ever. But by Haeun's friendly nature, we soon became friends with them as well. I found that they were actually really interesting and fun people. I felt guilty for how judgmental I'd been to them, but Haeun had never judged them—she saw from the start how warm their hearts were.

After our third and final year of junior high had ended, the first year of high school rolled in on us. I hadn't got to see Haeun at all over break. Herparents had taken her on vacation to Jeju Island, so I mostly hung out with Hoseok and Chunhei.

On the first day, I stood at the front gate, admittedly anxious to walk in alone. That's when I heard a familiar voice yell, "Jimin-a!"

The voice I definitely recognized, but the girl who was jogging towards me was different.

Her hair seemed much longer, and gracefully fell over her shoulders and down her back. Her chocolate brown eyes seemed golden in the sunlight, radiating nothing but happiness. Her legs appeared long and elegant in her uniform skirt, and the rest of her body... had developed. I tried to stop myself from staring, but I couldn't help it. She was beautiful.

Stopping in front of me, Haeun took some time to catch her breath before giving me a dazzling smile.

"I missed you so much. Jeju Island was nice, but I wasn't the same without my lil' Chim-Chim~!" She cutely exclaimed, gently poking at my stomach.

I chuckled, unable to hide the blush that burned at the tip of my ears and dusted my cheeks.

"I missed you too," I said, proud of myself for not stuttering.

Continuing to flaunt her signature grin, she asked, "Why haven't you gone in yet?"

I felt nervous and laughed awkwardly. "Well you see... I uh..." I couldn't think of an excuse. I was too embarrassed to admit that I was scared.

She surprised me yet again, for the third time.

Grabbing my wrist, she began to drag me along with her as she zoomed through the entrance gate.

"We'll go in together, so it's fine!" She said cheerfully, then turned back around as to not run into anyone while not looking. I glanced at her hand firmly—but gently—grasping my wrist, then stared up at the back of her head.

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