The Break In

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   Edward takes his son Tennyson on a holiday. Everyone lived peacefully for quite some time. It's been two weeks since the killer got caught, Mitch was thrown into solitary confinement.

   Jason and Jessica were a beautiful loving couple they even planned for their future together after the university.

   Jack and Edward got a promotion at work, of course. Edward took a vacation and Jack was in charge.

  The door knocks and Joey comes in, " Sir, this is the report of the five dead bodies. Mr. Cillian died due to suffocation from a huge plastic bag, as well he had three wounds deadly wounds on his body which would have made him bleed to death.

  All other victims died due to being stabbed to death."

  " Good work Joey happy that you're working hard you're still young which gives you a bright future. You can leave the reports on the desk and leave." Jack said. Joey turns around but then suddenly stops and turns back to Jack.

  " There is something I need to talk to you about, sir," Joey said.

  " Go ahead I am listening," Jack replied.

  " When I and the other doctors checked the bodies there was a strange thing.

  " You said that the victims were killed at a range of an hour or two before we found them. Well, this is completely wrong.

  " As we tested and checked them they were killed in a range of four to seven hours before we found them," Joey said.

   Jack thinks about what he said for a few seconds and said, " Well, anyways thank you, I'll think about it but the case is closed so I can't do anything now about it but thank you for your effort." Jack said delightedly. Joey pays him a salute and leaves.

  At a restaurant where Max and Angelina were having their second date, everything was peaceful the candles and the violin romantic songs.

  " What's your biggest fear?" Angelina asked.

  " Of course, losing you. And my other biggest fear is that I won't be able to beat my cancer. I can't imagine leaving my mom one day on her own or leaving you on your own." Max said. Angelina then calms him down and gives him the courage and hope that he would beat his disease. Their date ends happily and perfectly.

  Two days later the party group met. Jason, Jessica, Max, Angelina, Harry and his girlfriend. They all gather at the university's stadium. Harry introduces his girlfriend Reagan, they all talked, drank beer, and had some fun. They decided to go into the deep web to have some fun.

  They then played a game where one asks a question to all the other members and they had to answer it.

  Max starts, " What's everyone's plan after they finish their education?".

  " I would like to grow my social media life here like what I did in England and try to gain fame in what I am good at and become known at it," Jason said.

  " I will focus on my career in philosophy and do more studies in other stuff that has anything to do with a person or their mindset. As well as fix the bad things that I've done before." Jessica said.

  " For me personally, I would love to work for the government and become an ethical hacker or work at Microsoft with legend Bill gates," Harry said laughing as well as the others started laughing too.

  " I am a fashion person so I would love to be a model or maybe do make up for famous people something like that. I just want to do something that I love and have beside it the studies that I am doing right now." Reagan said.

  Max then looks at Angelina smiling and said, " Your turn beautiful.".

  " What I want is to be with you and together we will beat everything comes in our way," Angelina said.

  It was a cute romantic moment for the couple. The day then ends and everyone goes back home.

  The next day at the graveyards Jack was visiting his wife's grave as one year has passed since her death. He sits by her grave thinking of the case that he recently finished. Jack was one of the people who always felt guilty for the bad things that happened. Jack felt guilty for the people who were killed as if he was the reason they died, he also felt that he had the ability to save all of the victims but he didn't do that. As well he takes the death of his wife as his fault. Jack always had a point that even if the person is bad and did horrible crimes that person doesn't deserve his punishment to be death, Jack had a huge problem with the death part in his life and he saw that it wasn't necessary to kill in his job although it sometimes It had to be done.

  Patrick is the one in charge of the solitary confinement where Mitch was kept. Patrick goes to take Mitch from his cell.

  " Where am I going?" Mitch asked in a low voice.

  " Don't worry son the cops just want to ask you few questions and you'll be back in no time," Patrick replied. They went into a room Mitch then sits on a chair handcuffed and Patrick sits in front of him.

  " What did you want from him?" Patrick asked in a calm voice.

  " Who? I don't understand." Mitch said.

  " Jason, what did you want from him?" Patrick asked again.

  " Why do you need to know it's none of your business," Mitch said angrily.

  " No, he's my sister's son I need to know what did you want from him," Patrick said asked. Mitch doesn't answer. Jack then arrived and sat beside Patrick and started asking a few questions.

  " Do you have any reasons for your murders that you would want to talk about," Jack asked. Mitch kept staring at both of them and didn't talk at all.

  Jack then asks another question, " How did you manage to plan and successfully kill all your victims? And what's the connection of all of this with Jason Maddison?".

  He still didn't say anything and just kept looking at them. Both men waited for an answer but the result was nothing.

  " So, I guess we'll talk in court then," Jack said. He then thanked Patrick for giving him his time.

  Back at Jason's home, he was so tired so he decided to go for a quick nap. He opens his eyes finds himself in a street that looked familiar for him he then saw himself standing and his mom and dad in the car. They drove by past the other Jason as he was waving goodbye to them as suddenly then as they had to stop due to the traffic they couldn't as the breaks didn't work so they continue moving until a truck hit the car from the side. Jason then woke up as it was just a bad dream of his parents' accident.

  He dropped a few tears and decided not to sleep. Patrick then arrived back home. He tells Jason what happened at the meeting. Jason was uncomfortable by the silence of Mitch which made him a little scared and insecure.

  Late at night at the solitary confinement, someone walked in the gate and went inside the building then he went to Mitch's cell. Mitch was asleep, the mysterious person got out his knife and stabbed Mitch in the heart with it. Mitch was left in his cell dead. The mysterious individual left a small box at the cell room door and left the building.







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