The Missing

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Edward's body was twitching and he was going to die but the wood piece in the ceiling couldn't hold so it broke. Edward fell on the floor hitting his head from a side and hurt himself and there was a little blood. Edward was unconscious due to the hit.

He opened his eyes found Jack sitting beside him giving him water and bandaging the wound.

" What happened?" Edward asked in a low voice.

" You tried to commit suicide but you failed and fell on your head and wounded yourself. Why?" Jack asked angrily in confusion.

" I lost faith, Jack. I don't think I can pass this one." Edward said crying.

" No, we will finish it and get that killer even if we get him dead. Let's go to the station there is a lot we need to talk about as well try to figure out the four killers.

" As well as try to stop them from the next target," Jack said calmly to distress Edward.

As they had arrived at the station the sheriff was waiting for them.

" Because of the recent activities that happened. Now we don't want the killer that much, we just want his activity to stop.

" You have my permission for any encounter with the killer to open fire so it depends on you two. Either you bring him alive or dead." the sheriff said.

" Sir, we've reached the point we know the number of people that engaged in the murders of the recent cases. There are six killers, two dead and four still alive. We are close to reaching them." Jack said.

" Okay, I hope that we end this soon. Good luck." the sheriff said.

Max and Angelina were chatting together in the morning. While Angelina was texting Max the telephone rang so she left her phone and went downstairs to answer it.

Max then was going to take his medication for cancer but he received a text message from Angelina that said: ' Come to me right now I want to talk to you about something important.' Max took the medication and changed his clothes.

While he was changing his clothes he received a message from her but he didn't check it. As he got into the car he deleted the notification of the message still not reading it. As what was sent was: ' Max that's not me I didn't send that. Max answer me. Someone hacked my account.'.

Max arrived at Angelina's house. He rang the doorbell but no one came and opened the door. He then knocked at the door still no one. He suddenly realized the door was slightly opened. He full opened it and went in slowly he heard some movement coming from upstairs.

He found Angelina tied and her mouth was duck taped on her bed. He went to her removed the duck tape.

" It's a trap run!" Angelina screamed. Then the killer came from behind grabbed Max from his neck and injected him with a sleeping drug. Max fell to the ground. Then the killer gave his attention to Angelina, he got out another syringe and injected her with it. Angelina started falling asleep and her eyes started closing as the image that she started to see was unclear and blurry she saw another figure coming wearing black as well and his face was white she then fell asleep.

At the police station, Tracey came in rushing at Jack and Edward.

" Me and the tracking team we managed to create a new system that tracks a specific number of people and even can hear what they do.

" It's now being downloaded on the computers. I'll return at 10 AM to check it out." Tracey said in excitement and left.

After Tracey left she went to hang out with her friends.

" Tracey, can I use your mobile to open Instagram and check some messages? Because I am waiting for an important message from someone." one of her friends requested from Tracey. Tracey accepted and gave her the phone.

While her friend was logging in she realized a strange thing and asked, " Who's account is this? Who's 'User_6'?" her friend asked?

" Oh, no it's for me I was trying something on it," Tracey answered nervously but her friend ignored it and just logged her account.

After a half, an hour Tracey decided to leave as she wanted to go home and sleep for a while before going back at night to the police work.

As she left her friends and went to the parking to start the car and leave, she looked on her right and saw from afar someone standing and looking at her wearing a mask. Tracey started to shake.

" It can't be," she said to herself. Suddenly from the back seat, someone jumped out it was the antagonist.

" No, it can!" the antagonist said and hit her head on to the driving wheel then gave her a sleeping drug. Tracey's phone was left on the driver chair beside it the white mask and the phone was ringing on Edward. Edward answered and kept saying, "Hello!".

Jason was at home doing nothing but just sitting on the social media. He then found the university's post about its new branch opening in the Halloween. As well as the Halloween party will be hosted there.

He decided to call Jessica to tell her. She didn't answer he then called Max but didn't answer as well he started to realize something strange happening but decided to be patient.

It became 10 AM Jack and Edward were waiting for Tracey as well we're worried by the earlier call.

" What could have happened?" Jack asked.

" I don't know, but I hope nothing bad. Let's go ask someone from her team to check her last location." Edward said.

They went and started checking but things started to get mysterious and suspicious.

" In the last five hours, she stayed in the same place in the middle of a parking lot and she's not moving. And when she called me no one was talking. Oh, no!" Edward said in terror, he and Jack then took their guns and took a car and went on their way to the location.

Reagan was at her house doing nothing just sitting on her laptop. Harry didn't call her for two days so she texted him hoping he would reply.

She then suddenly received a message, she thought it was Harry but it wasn't.

It was a message request from a strange user called ' User_7'. She opened the message request it was a video of her in her room that seemed like it was taken a few moments before she saw it.

Edward and Jack arrived at the parking they found Tracey's car parked they went to check it out. The driving wheel had little blood on it and they found her phone and the mask.

Suddenly the phone rang it was a FaceTime video call from Tracey. The video call started with just facing a wall and it seemed like it was a bedroom, suddenly the camera turned to the killer he kept staring at the camera and then made a goodbye wave and closed-ended the call. Edward and Jack looked at each other in shock.

New Jersey's today news: Strange disappearing happening. There are six people who went missing today. Till now the cause of the disappearance is unknown.

After 16 hours Police radio: "Location detected, sir. It's the new university branch. The S.W.A.T team, officer Edward, and officer Jack are on their way.".

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