Chapter 27 Freta the Forest Demon Guardian Warrior

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    Amy stands up and says," Let's go to the Okanigba Village!". Finley opened his eyes widely as he heard the name of his village. "Okanigba!?" Finley asked. "To meet the elder to get a permission to Terran Town," Amy continued. "Do you know that Finley is son of the legendary hunter family. His family mastered hunting skill. Before I left...I heard the news from my village about the disappearance of the legendary young hunter. It says that he has gone missing for a year". "What? Really?" Amy asked. Finley nods. "Then let's hurry to Okanigba Village and Finley...Tell them everything about what happened to you that you went missing for a year," Amy said. "I will. The elder must be worried," Finley said. "By the way...Shouldn't you learn your transformation magic now?" Dragen said. "Oh yeah...I nearly forgot!" Amy hit her head. "(Sigh) You sometimes skip your magic lesson, Symilton...," Dragen said. Dragen gives her a written scroll and tell her to read it. "This spell is used for transforming people into other living being or someone else...Someone else?" Amy said in confused, she looked at him. "Well, if you can imagine yourself as someone then you can transform without yelling word," Frire replied rudely. Amy sighs and gives the scroll to Dragen. "(Exhaled) Revert!" Amy yelled. She thought of becoming herself and it changes Amy back to her form. "What the? Finley is a girl?" Zeke said. "No, that isn't true. I'm not Finley, silly. I'm Amy Symilton. I got cursed by Dakurona into the "Finley" that Husky mentioned," Amy said. "She's telling the truth," Xansel said. "What, are you saying that Amy is Finley?" Zeke asked. Xansel nods. "The rumor about Finley's disappearance missed some information. Finley isn't dead, he was captured by Dakurona and now he resides within her. That form just now was Finley's physical form. Right?" Xansel asked. "That's right!" Amy said. "I get it now," Sieg said. "Great, let's get going," Amy said. "Right," Zeke said. Everyone follows her to Okanigba Village. Arriving in front of the Okanigba's Village forest, a green giant long haired monster with thorny vines around both of her legs and multiple horns on her head float between the forests. "What's that?" Amy asked. "That's Freta the demon guardian warrior of forest. Attacking with the same magic element won't affect her. Husky, you're a forest type in the meantime so your attack won't hurt her much for now," Fyre explained. "In the meantime? What do you mean by that?" Husky asked. "You will understand soon. Let's go!" Fyre said. Everyone charges toward Freta. "I will speak to her, you get her attention while I speak," Fyre whispered. Freta was aware of Fyre's presence as Amy ran toward her and she summons large multiple thorns from the ground toward them. Everyone jumps to the other side and Amy appears from the air and attacks her with her rapier. Freta immediately deflects Amy's attack using her rooted hand. "Fyre!" Freta mentioned. "Freta...!" Fyre speaks in exciting voice through Amy. Amy jumps away when Freta swings her left thorny hands. Freta raises multiple giant thorny rose vines to the front. Amy and the others jump and runs on top of the vines toward Freta. Xansel casts Shadow Inferno while Platinum releases wave attacks with his demon claws. Freta negates it by raising a wall of thick giant thorny vines. The wall absorbed a wave of black inferno and Platinum's attack, withered down and disappears. Freta turns back and the giant flower on her back bloomed, spitting thorns from its petal toward them. "Recover!" Len casts healing spell to heal her wounded friends. "Frire, take her down with Oblivion Flame!" Fyre commanded. "Leave it to me!" Frire releases a sea of flame, burning everything within the area radius. The thorns burn into ashes and Freta tries to use her forest barrier but it shattered into pieces whenever she used it. "Ah, very perceptive of you, Fyre. You knew my weakness and so you attack me with the type of my weakness. You haven't changed at all...." Freta complimented. "Heh, I wouldn't have done it if I show mercy to you. Frire, that's enough," Fyre commanded, he appears in front of her. Fyre switches over her. Amy puts her rapier in the sheath beside her belt. "Well, I wouldn't have though that Fyre have many friends. Very good, Fyre," Freta said. Fyre appears and nods. "Well, since I have lost...I guess I will help you this time. After that, I will return to Hell without reporting it to the king..." Freta said. "Are you sure?" Fyre asked. Freta nod. She walked into the forest while she says," Follow me, I will show you the way to the village". Everyone runs toward Freta and they follow her on the road to the village. "(Panting) how long are we going to get past this forest?" Len said, she wept her sweat from running. "(Panting) if you don't want to go with us, then I won't take you back. I would have left you in this accursed forest if you wish for that" Amy panted. "Come, let's continue our way," Freta said, she floats away. Everyone followed her again and they finally get out from the maze forest of Okanigba Village. "Finally," Amy panted. "Well, I never would have thought it would be this tiring...," Fyre said through her. "My job is done, I shall take my leave," Freta said, she vanished through the wind. "She returns to Hell...Ah well, she will come back soon anyway," Fyre said, folding his hands. 

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