chapter 8

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Reyna actually looked happy about this, which kinda worried him.

"We don't really have to do this, right? I mean, we could just tell everyone that we've decided to break up or something," Percy suggested.

"Nope," Reyna said. That one word was very scarily said. Reyna was quite intimidating with her dark brown hair, her chocolate brown eyes, and her mischievous smile, so Percy said yes. Obviously.

"But we can tell our friends that it's fake, right?"

"Nope," she said once again, and she walked away.

Percy looked back to see Nancy talking to Drew. Drew started glaring at Reyna. Percy thought Drew hated him... Then Nancy moved on to all the guys, who waved at him and gave him thumbs up. And then to more girls, some disgusted, some seemingly sad, and some happy. They also gave Percy thumbs-ups. Percy guessed that Reyna was right: Nancy does spread the word fast.

A guy Percy had never seen before came up to Percy and asked: "Dude, how did you possibly get her? Everybody is freaking afraid of her, and she punches every guy who flirts with her in the crotch. The only guy she seems remotely interested in is Jason. So, how'd you do it?"

"Magic?" Percy suggested, not knowing what else to say.

The guy stifled a laugh. "You're funny. I'm Will, by the way. Will Solace."

"Ah," Percy said. "Percy Jackson."

"I know," Will replied. "You're the talk of the school. All the guys wanna be you 'cause all the girls want you."


"...Yeah." Will drifted off, thinking of something else, surely. "You're friends with Nico, right? Nico Di Angelo?"

"Yes," Percy said. Well, this was getting off track. "Why?"

Will ignored Percy's question. "So, can I sit with you guys at lunch today, please? I usually just study old stuff for medical anyway."


Will smiled to himself. "Cool, thanks."


Percy saw all his friends gathered at their usual spot. He walked up to them with Will by his side."Hey guys, this is Will. He's gonna be eating with us from now on."

They all said hi, and Percy swore that he saw Nico and Will blush when they saw each other, but Percy must have been imagining it.

Someone walked up behind him and planted a kiss on his cheek. Percy turned around, stunned. It was Reyna. She smiled. "There's my boyfriend!"

Percy sat down, Reyna next to him.

"Say what now?" Piper asked. Percy was about to tell them that it was fake but decided against it since Reyna told him not to, and honestly, Reyna was one of his best friends, out of the girls. Oh, and also, she had crotch-kicking skills, and he didn't want to get on the wrong side of her kicks.

"Reyna and I are dating!" he exclaimed, putting on a fake smile. Percy couldn't say that he was unhappy with her, because, to be completely honest, he actually really enjoyed her company.

After that, their lunch conversation was the same. Except that Annabeth was talking. And Nico was only speaking to Will about some game called Mythomagic or something?

The problem was, Annabeth was on her phone the whole time. Apparently texting Luke on her phone. She had a huge smile on her face. Percy had kinda hoped that she'd be at least a tad jealous. But she wasn't, she was fine with it. And that made Percy very sad, but he still kept the smile on his face.

Thing is, Percy couldn't push the feeling of sadness away, because no matter how much he could possibly like or even love Reyna, it would never measure up to how much he liked Annabeth.

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