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Upon arriving at Arley's house they found Arley crying on the sofa as the maids tried to calm him down.

"Arley ..." Artemis said. The blonde looked up and as soon as he saw his brother he ran to him and then hugged him, kissed his forehead, and asked him several questions.

"Did he hurt you, where did he take you?"

"No Ly, they helped me," Teddy pointed out. "Ly, I thin him sent them to-." Arley interrupted Teddy.

"We'll talk about that in private, okay?"Teddy nodded and with a smile kissed his younger brother's cheek. "Tia Nea, did you buy ice cream?" Teddy asked as he looked at the bags on the floor.

"Sure, kid, but first we need to talk to your brother," Athena said as she ruffled Teddy's hair.

Teddy nodded like an obedient child and went up to his room, the maids went to the kitchen with the shopping bags to prepare dinner.

"Arley, wouldn't it be better to tell the others?" Hephaestus suggested.

"You are right," said Arley, "well, Dominik and I believe that something happened with Teddy during his stay in that psychiatric hospital, since he arrived he has not stopped nightmares and says that he watches over him and that is why he cannot say anything since They would also hurt me, "Arley sighed and continued, "after you went shopping, Teddy and I were preparing our pieces of luggage since I have a fashion show and modeling session in Milan, two men came dressed in black and wearing balaclavas, one of them dragged Teddy and the other knocked me unconscious, minutes later I woke up and everything was intact if nothing had happened, I looked for Teddy hoping that he had hidden, but nothing. Really guys thank you very much."

The gods smiled and Hephaestus began to explain what had happened, "Artemis and Athena were taking selfies and in one of the photos they realized that Teddy was with a man who was trying to kidnap him, the man escaped when he saw us running towards him".

Arley was thoughtful for several minutes and then decided to speak, "At first I thought they were hallucinations of Teddy, I'm scared, I don't know what those guys want from my brother, or who this 'he' is and what he did to my brother. My suspicions were that perhaps that man raped my brother, but I think there is more, it is not normal that he has my brother in constant surveillance and if it is true that he is watching my brother and listens to everything. We will have to take precautions. For now, let's keep Teddy under surveillance and if Teddy tells you any information or something that can help us, tell me. I will go tomorrow to investigate that psychiatric hospital"

"You alone?" Hephaestus asked. Arley nodded and his partner refused. "You heard what Teddy said, that man could hurt you, you will go with me and Athena, Hermes will take care of Teddy, and Apollo and Artemis will watch that nothing happens to him."


Teddy was watching cartoons on Arley's tablet. The door opened and Arley entered with a plastic cup with three scoops of vanilla ice cream, caramel syrup on top, and colored shavings.

Teddy got up and grabbed the plastic cup. "Thanks, Ly.


Mentalhouse Hospital_

Arley typed on his laptop, the first thing that appeared was the official website of the psychiatric hospital, in which there were a lot of photos of patients smiling together with the nurses and doctors.

Nothing suspicious at the moment, it was all pictures of happy and playing patients. He left the page and selected the news option in the search engine.

Mentalhouse Hospital ranked second in the top 20 mental hospitals in the world.

And other more good reviews of that mental hospital, Arley bit his nails and closed his laptop. He went to his bed where Hephaestus was asleep, but for some reason, the demigod felt watched.

That gave him a little shiver but he ignored it.

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