Arc One Ch. 39

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"A-alpha Walter" The younger male called out not expecting to be singled out here of all places and by the alpha no less. Thankfully he hadn't been caught in more embarrassing situation like some others who were using this moment of danger to help get the attention of the opposite sex.

Quickly shifting his mind set he began going over the relevant details he knew, from the loud noise being caused by the main gate being forcefully knocked in by the three large primates, giving a rough estimate on the smaller forces that came in following the larger ones and mentioning an obvious divide within their overall structure. This all came from what little he had seen and heard while helping the group get to the safety of the tree.

Having a better overall understanding about those invading his pack's main territory Alpha Walter began to arrange the gathered forces into a better defensive formation that would allow for a smoother transition to attack the enemy while keeping the young and old protected.

Without resistance Kira followed behind Nora who'd at some point picked up her pace the closer they had gotten to the ancient tree. She noticed Healer Zachary amongst the large group as he kept close to Alpha Walter who was currently in the middle of reorganizing everything. Their small group slipped in and quickly helped to the back near the center where the tree was located. Even with all of the jostling that little Kaia received during this short trip the small pup didn't make a peep. Her dewy little brown eyes were focused on the things going on around her. She paid the most attention to those able to take on wolf form. Once they'd reached the crowded center of the defensive formation her view became completely obstructed.

Kira who'd kept her head down and was kept close to Nora's front noticed the small pup's frustration. She found it kind of adorable and had her for the first time in a long time wanting to break the current act to smile. Still she hadn't forgotten her objectives one being the ancient tree which held a fragment of the Tear of Sorrow. It had been difficult to get close to the tree without eyes on her or revealing her identity as the Little Moon.

Glancing about those gathered she didn't feel confident in reclaiming the fragment without someone noticing. That is until she got another glimpse of Kaia who continued to suffer with wanting to know more but couldn't voice it aloud. "Why don't we make a deal Kaia?" She asked while using a series of manipulation of her accumulative powers.

The small pup recognized the voice right away she held a deep impression of it due to the oddness surrounding her first time hearing it. 'Ah! It hadn't crossed my mind that telepathy might possible. This isn't good...' The soul within the pup ideally realized though was cut off by the voice again.

"Not at all pup this is something special to myself but feel free to call it what you will. So what will it be, deal or no deal?" She asked in such a way that left the soul within the pup feeling like the other was just too cool speaking such a line.

She didn't forget herself in the moment and with some suspicion asked cautiously. 'What kind of deal?'

Kira wasn't put off being questioned and instead welcomed it. "Do you remember me speaking of your future? Well there was something I didn't mention that will be quite the headache to deal with but if you help now I will give you the ability to cover up your oddities." Her words were meant to entice the other.

'Does that mean you're like me? Are you also someone who transmigrated into this book?' Kaia asked with too much enthusiasm losing her previous cautiousness.

Instead of answering the other she once again asked. "So are you willing to help me?"

Though the small pup couldn't fully utilize her facial features, her voice easily conveyed her skepticism at being anything other than useless in her current form. 'How exactly am I supposed to be helping you when I am basically useless in this current body of mine?' She punctuated her point by cooing a couple of times.

Giving an inaudible chuckle Kira continued to blankly stare at the ground. "For this plan to work it really doesn't matter but it might work better because you're so little, maybe? All you need to do is not cry and I will handle everything else, so are you in?"

'Alright... but are you really like me?'

Kira didn't give the soul within an answer before a sudden chill was felt by Kaia that radiated out from the base of her skull. That felt like a set of icy cold fingertips digging deeply into her very soul that felt intrusive and wrong but it was over before she could cry out in alarm.

Memories that were thought to be long forgotten resurfaced as Kaia seemed to really take Kira in for the first time. Sharp little eyes took in the unkempt white hair that stood out among the predominately brown and black hair within the pack and was hit by a sudden realization. Kira turned out to be the male lead's bullied first love in the werewolf novel she'd been reading. There wasn't much mention about her other than a description that seemed to be made to stand out and in her opinion one of the worst ways that a werewolf could die, alone in a secluded area during her first shift. It didn't make a lot of sense as no other in the rest of the story had such a death. The mommy and pup classes did make things about ages and pregnancies clearer and explained why there weren't more accidental teen pregnancies in the novel with how it was written.

'You were pregnant!' The soul suddenly cried out before realizing that she could be heard by the other female and in a clumsy fashion stuffed her tiny fist into her mouth. 'Uh... that is you already know that don't you?'

Mentally Kira couldn't help but smile as the original had done quite a lot to hide it after she figured it out. "Hmm... you're sharp that will help you get far as a Little Moon." She said before touching the trunk of the tree in a discreet fashion.

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