With each bite she talked about what happened in class and going over her favorite parts that left her excited in seeing her little pup grow up well as she began walking and talking.

"It makes me wonder what little Kaia will like when she gets older and how much she gets from me and her father." The whole thing came out in a soft whisper as if some dark secret, though in reality it was actually the opposite. Nora had grown quite for a while as she continued to carefully feed Kira.

A thunderous sound of an explosion broke the strange moment of thought as Nora instinctively flinched at the sound and looked at the direction it came from before dropping the fork to the floor. Taking Kaia and placing her protectively against her chest. Then without a sideways glance at anything else took Kira by the arm and forced the other up off of the bed. Her normally sweet and easygoing manner was gone as she spoke one simple sentence. "It's time to go."

She opened the door finding the hall way filled with a good number of other pack members; many could be seen to have been in the middle of getting cleaned up while it was clear others had been getting a bit frisky between classes. This didn't stop things from moving in a neat orderly manner as everyone followed pack drills that allowed the flow of foot traffic to be smoother leaving no one behind. One young male had taken notice of them and helped them into the crowed hall.

The Pine Wood pack gathered beneath the ancient tree believed by their ancestors to be a blessing of protection gifted to them by the Moon Goddess. The first founder of the Pine Wood pack had picked this particular place impart due to it lacking mutant plants and animals. As time went on it became a natural area to gather in times of trouble which hadn't changed even now.

Those too young or old who couldn't fight were moved to the base of the tree as others fit to fight began arranging themselves into familiar groups before turning into a defensive line which began integrating into the pack guards. Those on patrol within the pack and other areas of the walls had already joined up while the wolves at the main gate weren't to be seen a few younger wolves came bearing reports.

From beneath the tree Alpha Walter's stepped out with some difficulty while holding onto his side as Healer Zachary followed at his heels. He'd been one of the fortunate few to have come away with such light injuries in comparison to those with him during an unexpected ambush that happened during the night.

"Alpha Walter you're still in no shape to be moving around." He tried keeping his voice down as much as possible while taking notice of the other male who looked about ready to shift.

Holding back a snarl of frustration he began to change his breathing pattern that helped him calm down quickly. This was no time to allow his feeling to get in the way of the whole pack's safety and instead he focused on what he could do. With sharp eyes he easily picked out a few youths that came with reports from the main gate. One young male he recognized had a small group of young pups and elderly wolves who looked after them surrounding him, making it obvious that he'd helped in guiding them here. He'd on a warm expression even in the middle of this uncertain time which helped keep the little ones calm and quite.

A bit annoyed he barked out. "Milton! Give me a report on the current situation." He ordered loudly while moving closer slower than he'd liked.

The older wolves who were talking with the male froze mid-sentence before backing away to allow the alpha through. The few pups that were still not towards the back and instead clinging onto guard with all sorts of questions quickly relented and became quite no longer wanting to poke at his armor or tug at his gauntlets which stopped his arm from being chewed off on their way here. The elderly wolves took them by the shoulders as they pulled away feeling some reluctance.

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