Speaking of texts, Sans still hasn't returned mine. I guess 'Hey' isn't the best conversation starter, but he could at least send one back. He was so insistent on skipping introductions. I wonder if I said something wrong.

"Ooh, who's that?" Elyse teased, nudging me with her elbow.

I hadn't realized I was staring at the skeleton. I glanced at the girls around me, heart sinking as I realized they were all looking at him.

"Oh my god can you not all stare at the same time?!" I slapped the arms of a few of them to get their attention.

"Who is he?" Caroline asked, her mother mode activating.

"He's just a friend," I reassure, "I met him last night...sort of. He's in my chemistry class."

"Uh-huh. Sure." Ada rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious!" I laughed.

I jumped as I felt someone slip into the seat next to me. I glanced over at the new person, my stomach churning and my smile dropping.

"Hey, Jacob." I swallowed nervously.

The Group went quiet. It wasn't a secret that Jacob was a violent person, but no one knew he hit me. At least, not that I know of.

"Whats up?" He leaned his head on his hand as he stared me down. "Where were you last night?"

"I was...Home." I lied, avoiding eye contact as much as I could.

"Yeah, okay.." He shifted closer, aware of how uncomfortable he was making me. "Is your phone broken, or...?"

"Y-Yeah it is."

"Then can you explain why my read receipts say you saw all my texts?"

I couldn't respond. He had me backed into a corner and he knew it.

"Come with me. We need to talk." He was terrifyingly calm as he motioned for me to stand. I gave one last glance to Elyse-who rolled her eyes at the fact that I wasn't punching him in the face- before pushing out of the table. This time, I made sure my bag was closed before he grabbed my wrist. I winced, as he had already made a bruise yesterday and was now squeezing it.

I yelped slightly as I stumbled, but Jacob didn't even look back or slow down. I eventually caught my balance enough to keep walking, but not before practically pulling my arm out its socket.

My face scrunched in pain as I tried not to yell out. I sighed shakily, staying as close to him as I could. When I lifted my head, I made eye contact with non other than Sans. I guess he had noticed my face scrunch and how rough Jacob was pulling me. Whatever. Screw him: He was just another asshole guy.

The sound of the Cafeteria grew muffled as we walked out the doors. He yanked me over to the lockers again, coolly letting my hand go and leaning against the boxes. He reached into his pocket, watching me squirm as anxiety washed over me. Pulling out his cell phone he huffed, dialing a number and placing it to his ear. There was a moment of silence before my phone erupted into song from my back pocket, and my heart stopped.

"Ah," He looked up at me, ending the call. "So your phone isn't broken. That's another lie I can add to the list-."

"I saw you kissing that girl."

He looked taken aback by my sudden statement. He opened his mouth to speak, but I beat him to it.

"I know you two had sex."

"I was drunk." He spat.

"No you weren't. I asked Mark and he said you were sober." I cut him off as he tried to defend himself again. "And I know you weren't high: Mark said he didn't allow drugs at the party."

Vocabulary (Sans x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang