Chapter 2

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The seat next to mine is usually empty. I hadn't noticed the change until I was half way across the room.

My feet came to a complete stop as I tried to process what was in front of me.

Lo and behold, the skeleton who helped me at lunch was sitting next to my stool. He hadn't noticed me yet, as he was too busy chatting with another monster from his lunch table.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I stared at my seat. I can't sit there, Jacob would kill me! He just got done telling me not to interact with monsters.

I mean... Jacob isn't in this class? So would it be that bad if I talked to him? No, I can't do that. I am a loyal girlfriend, I will not go behind his back. I mentally slap myself for even thinking of breaking my promise.

"Everything ok?"

I jumped, the voice shaking me from my thoughts.

It was the smaller skeleton from lunch: the one who had stood up when Jacob grabbed me away from them. Oh God, he probably hates me.

He had noticed my hesitance to sit next to his friend. By the look he gave me, I could tell I was right about his feelings towards me.

"Yup, I'm fine..." I mumbled, but I could tell he didn't care.

His eyes glanced over at his counterpart. "He doesn't bite," He crossed his arms and leaned back, "Most of our kind doesn't." His eyebrows(?) raised as he recited the insult from lunch.

I cringe at his tone. I wish I could tell him I didn't hate monsters, but if I did Jacob would end me.

I didn't respond. Instead, I slowly shuffled to my seat, placing my things down gently as to not alert the large monster of my presence. He was still conversating with the other monster. She seemed to be just as loud as her friend: Their voices alone filling up the room.

I managed to sit down without him knowing I was next to him. If I could keep his attention off me until class starts, I'll be able to avoid any awkward small talk. He probably hates me too.

Now that I got a good look around the class room, I could see that I was one of the only humans left. Over the past few days humans have transferred out, but I wasn't expecting this many. It was a bit weird being surrounded by people I'm supposed to hate, but what can you do? The only other Chemistry teacher is Mrs. Martel, and she hates me. I'll just tell Jacob I have no other choice. He'll understand... right?

I flipped to a blank page in my notebook. I passed several blocks of crudely written notes. As I did so, I chuckled at a memory of Caroline lecturing me on how 'important handwriting is'.

Once I found a new page, I started to draw.

Now, I absolutely suck at drawing. I'm not an artist at all. The best I can do is a mediocre profile sketch from a video tutorial I watched years ago. And even then they always look crappy. I just do it for fun.

However, the skeleton that I was trying so desperately to hide from thought other wise.

The book was snatched out from under my arms, leaving me in slight shock. He's going to destroy my notebook, I thought in a panic. He's mad because of what happened at lunch. Those are the only notes I have for this class. It's not like I can stop him, he's like eight feet tall-

"WOW, THIS IS REALLY GOOD!" His booming voice stopped my nervous rambling. "DID YOU DRAW THIS?" He pointed dramatically at the book in his hand. It looked so small compared to the rest of him.

"Uh..." I was still a little surprised he didn't lash out at me. "Y-Yeah I did-."


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